Chapter 6

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Pandora reef

Metkayina Clan

Tsu'tey stood on the reef's edge with Neteyam as the pair threw their fishing nets into the deep sea. Singing arriving at the Metkayina clan, the two best friends had been so preoccupied with lessons and their own families that they hadn't spent any time together. So when Neteyam suggested they go fishing, Tsu'tey immediately gathered his things and left.

"So, what's going on with you and the princess?" Neteyam mused as he finished tying the knot on his net.

Tsu'tey's eyes widened. "What are you talking about, mate?"

Neteyam rolled his eyes, playfully bumping Tsu'tey with his shoulder. "You forget that I've known you my whole life, and you cannot hide anything from me."

Tsu'tey pondered his best friend's words. What was going on with him and Tsireya? It was obvious that the Omatikaya boy had developed a slight crush on the girl, but after last night, there was no way she'd ever feel the same. He was dangerous, and she was too pure to be with someone as damaged as him.

"Nothing happened"


"I don't know how to phrase it; she's just different."

"Different? Is that a bad thing?" Neteyam asked, throwing his net into the ocean.

"No, of course not. She's kind and cares for everyone, and she's like nobody back home," he said, lowering his voice in case anybody heard, even though they were only Na'vi there.

"What about Kanu?"


Tsu'tey took a deep breath at her name. He hadn't thought of it since they left the forest, and he intended to keep it that way.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Neteyam."


"No, it's fine; I overreacted. She is much different from her. Um, we kind of maybe almost kissed last night," Tsu'tey said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Tsu'tey te Evans Freddie'itan!" Neteyam playfully jumped on his back, taking him to the floor. "You almost kissed the chief's daughter!"

"Get off me, Skxwang!" The boys continued to play fight until a cough broke them apart.

"If you boys are quite finished, Mr Sully would like you both to return home." Li'teya crossed her arms over her chest, unimpressed.

The two Omatikaya boys stood up and collected their nets and fish, "Why does Father want us back so quickly?" Neteyam asked.

"Because we're fucking starving now; hurry up!" Li'teya dove under the water, flipping both boys as she swam away.

"Tell me if you ever grow the balls to kiss her."


It had all happened so fast. Tsireya was helping Tsu'tey ride his ilu, which he was finally getting the hang of. He connected his braid diving under the water. He slowed his heart rate by not fighting the current, which allowed him to gracefully glide through the water. Tsu'tey smiled from ear to ear when he realised he was still bonded to his ilu. He emerged from the water, taking a deep breath, "Tsireya!"

"You did it", she praised, pulling the omatikaya boy into a hug. Tsu'tey froze at the contact but quickly wrapped his arms around her waist.

Tsireya pulled back. Her oceanic eyes flickered down to his lips before she looked at his eyes once more. She felt like there was this invisible force pulling her close to him. Tsu'tey's hands remained on her waist, the same force pulling him closer.

"Tsireya!" a distant voice shouted.

The two teenagers jumped apart, hiding their blushes. "What is wrong, Rotxo?" Tsireya breathed, still trying to hide her flustered face.

"It's Ao'nung."

"What about my brother? Is he alright?" Tsireya panicked, glancing at Tsu'tey before looking back at Rotxo.

"He, um, got into a fight," Rotxo looked quickly at Tsu'tey, "with your sister."

"She what?" Tsu'tey seethed. Tsireya could feel the anger radiating off the boy, she placed her hand on his arm, and it seemed to relax him, but his eyes still shot daggers at the metkayina boy.

"She is in the Sully tent."


Tsu'tey marched onto the shore, searching for his sister. He couldn't believe she would start a fight with the chief's son. Even though her father had told her to behave, she still couldn't, and he would take the heat for it. Li'teya stood on her tiptoes, giving Lo'ak a kiss on his cheek, before she jumped off the docks onto the beach.

"Li'teya te Evans Okayia'ite!"

Li'teya stopped in her place, letting out a string of quiet curses as she turned to face her seething brother. Fuck. "Oh hey".

"Do not hey me, Li'teya." Tsu'tey grabbed her forearm, pulling her into their mauri; thankfully, their father wasn't there. He pushed her inside, closing the flap so visitors wouldn't interrupt them.

Li'teya rubbed her arm, slowly collapsing onto her bed. "Whatever you're going to say, don't say it".

"Jesus, Li'teya, you had one job while we stayed here: to stay out of trouble!". Li'teya tilted her head at his words. The siblings had no idea who or what Jesus was, but their dad and Jake used it often, so it became an everyday word in their vocabulary.

"Ao'nung was picking on Kiri, and he called her a freak." Tsu'tey pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You cannot fight because they said hurtful things."

At this, Teya stood up, facing her brother. "You don't understand because you are the picture-perfect Na'vi." You have three fingers and amber eyes. You don't get what it feels like to be an outcast!" Li'teya pushed her brother back in anger. If anyone walked past their mauri, they would definitely hear the sibling's argument. "I'm a freak, Tsu'tey, and I always will be."


A word he'd grown up with. His own people called him a freak because of his demon blood. Just because he had the three fingers doesn't mean they forgot where he came from. A demon. Tsu'tey Te Evans Freddie'itan was born from a demon.

"Li'teya..." Tsu'tey studied her blue eyes; he saw the pain she held behind them but refused to let it out.

"I need to apologise to Ao'nung; I'll see you later", she mumbled, brushing past him, but he again grabbed her forearm.

"Teya, I only worry for you; you know I will do anything to protect you, but I'm useless if dad finds out", he tried to reason with her, his eyes pleading with her azure ones.

Teya dropped her head. "I don't need you to protect me", she whispered, "but I'll always need you to".



sorry updates are slow I've been slammed with college work but im on easter holiday now so ill get more chapters out. Also do we want more backstory on Tsu'tey's life in the forest because that boy left some unpleasant memories there.

please dont ghosted

I see you


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