chapter 2

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The next day arrived like no other. Fortunately my ankle didn't bother me too much and so I was able to attend all of my classes at school.

I did my usual skin care routine and changed into my school uniform. I styled my hair into a high ponytail, similar to Ariana Grande's.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and prepared myself a bowl of cereal. My mother insisted that she was going to drop me off at school. At least I didn't have to walk.

After some time I was done eating. I picked up my school bag and left through the front door. I approached the car and got in the passenger seat.

My mother got in the car 5 minutes away me since she was talking to my father on the phone. She started the engine and drove off to school.

The drive to school was silent. Me and my mother hardly spoke to each other. Ever since my parents divorced my mother seemed hardly interested in me nor my older brother but it didn't really affect him since he was much older than me and he lived in Daegu and I lived in Incheon.

We reached the school. I picked up my backpack and got out of the car. As I was about to walk off my mother called out to me.

"Jae, what time should I pick you up?" She asked.

I turned around and looked at her, "An hour after school normally ends, I want to study at the library." I answered.

I turned back around and slowly walked towards the school building. I entered and made my way to the art room.

My art teacher always told us as his students that if we needed to touch up with a project we were assigned to do we could go to the art room and work on it.

I entered the art room. I approached my painting and picked it up. I placed it on top of the table and examined it, I realized that there was a section that I didn't finish.

I placed my backpack down and rolled up the sleeves of my blazer. I searched for a canva, paintbrush, and the color of paint that I needed.

I found my materials and began to paint. As I painted it felt as if I was in my own world. The feeling of being hyper focused on my painting brought the feeling of sudden joy.

I looked up at the window and looked at the sky. Clouds were scattered across the sky and the sun was out and it expressed it's radiant energy onto us unfortunate humans.

I saw a group of birds flew across the sky in a line as if it was following the leader presumably the bird that was first in the line of course.

My gaze then followed around the art room and saw someone who stood by the door staring at me. I instantly recognized the face. He was Nabi's cousin. He looked at me as if he just got caught stealing something.

"Uhm... Hello." He greeted in a shy tone.

I looked behind me and looked back at Baekhyun who still stood at the door. His hands were clutched on the straps of his backpack.

"Oh hi, are you looking for someone?" I asked.

"Yes, are you Park Jae Sang? If I'm correct." He questioned.

Me? Why was he looking for me? I didn't know him nor he didn't know me at all.

"That's me, who's asking?" I questioned.

"I was told to give you this letter." He entered the classroom and approached me. He removed a strap from his shoulder and unzipped his bag.

He rummaged through his bag until he took out a paper presumably the letter and handed it to me. He bowed and left the art room.

I placed down the canvas and the paint brush, I examined the letter before flipping it over to read it.



You're cute and I've been seeing you around quite often and I've always wanted to talk to you

Can we be friends?

I'll look for you after school so that I can reveal my identity but your beauty makes me nervous.



I tried to think of someone who's name started with the letter J, except for my friend Jae Beom but there was no way he would pull a prank on me such as this.

I found myself begining to blush after reading the tiny letter, I was eager to know who it was but they didn't specify where they wanted us to meet up, the only mentioned that they were going to look for me.

I couldn't wait until school ended.

I couldn't wait until school ended

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