chapter 4

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"You have something in your hair." He said as he tried to remove the thing that was stuck in my hair.

I then felt him gently playing with my hair as he looked at my hair with complete fascination. I could feel my cheeks burn indicating that I was blushing. I didn't want him to see that I was, it would've been embarrassing.

I rubbed the back of my neck and slightly smiled at him. "Thank you... you must be Jooheon?" I assumed.

A smile quivered on his face, he slightly nodded indicating that I was correct about my assumption.

"Yes, I'm Lee Jooheon." He extended his hand for a handshake. I quickly dusted my right hand and reached for his hand, holding it and reciprocating a handshake.

He then brought the back of my hand close to his face, planting a kiss on it. I found myself beginning to blush, I tried to hide it but I was unable to do so.

He then let go of my hand and placed his hand back in his pants pocket, "what's your name?" He then asked.

I cleared my throat before responding to his question, "I'm Park Jae Sang."

I could've sworn that his eyes sparkled as soon as I mentioned my name, "Jae... I'll always remember it." He winked at me.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before one of us spoke up, "I just wanted to ask if you would like us to be friends. You seem like a nice person." He acknowledged.

I slightly nodded my head and agreed, he seemed pleased with my answer. He bowed and left the art room, before he was completely out my line of sight he turned around to get one final glimpse of me.

He winked and finally left the room. I put down the canvas and painting brush. I paced around the art room trying to catch my breath.

It felt like as soon as he left the art room he took my breath away. I didn't know whether it was his beauty or his presence but he definitely took my breath away regardless.

After some time I managed to gather myself. I continued to paint whilst trying to not think about my encounter with Jooheon.

But honestly he was so attractive.


After some time I was making my way around the school. I went to the library to read the synopsis of different genres of books until I got bored.

I left the library and I decided to go home, since I had nothing to do because I was done starting with my painting which was assignment that would determine my grade. I did inform my mother that I was going to arrive home early.

As I was walking home I decided to go to a convenient store and bought myself some snacks, some of which I ate on the way back to my house.

I was so immersed in my snacks and how good they tasted that I realized a butterfly was seated on top of my right shoulder.

I didn't shoo it away, instead I let it sit on my shoulder and I continued to walk.

Alas I reached my house. I entered through the front door and made my upstairs to my bedroom. I entered my room and closed the door behind me, locking it as well.

I threw my backpack on the floor, I approached the bed and sat down which resulted in my falling on my back causing me to look up at the ceiling.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I tried to imagine that I was laying on a soft cloud in the sky, the feeling of euphoria in that moment and the freedom I would experience.

Too bad that wouldn't be possible but imagining such did help for some time until Jooheon's face popped up in my head.

However I didn't immediately opened my eyes, I kept my eyes closed. I then imagine Jooheon seated on another cloud watching me with a bright smile on his face.

He leaps over onto the cloud I was seated on and gets on his knees and crawls towards me, I then imagined him playing with my hair before he leaned forward and-

"Jae Sang! Are you at home?" My mother asked.

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up, "y-yeah! I'm in my bedroom!" I answered. I scratched the back of my neck and immediately cringed.

I couldn't believe that I tried to imagine a kiss between me and Jooheon, he was my friend I couldn't think of anything romantic in a way.

Just friends.

Just friends

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