chapter 10

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My mother dropped me off at school as usual. I walked in the front gate of the school and made my way to the art room.

Upon my arrival I saw a student from my class being occupied in his painting. I approached my table and sorted out my surroundings. Once I finally felt well prepared I resumed with what I had to do.

As I was painting I had an eerie feeling, probably it was because another student was in the same room as me and I felt awkward since we never spoke to each other before.

The feeling was still there and I felt uncomfortable but I didn't dare to express how I felt and so I remained silent the whole time.

"Are you friends with Jooheon?"

I turned to look at the student whose gaze was already fixated on me, "yes I am." I responded before I turned to look away from him.

"That's not what I heard." He said.

My gaze fell upon him again. I questioned what he meant by that. At first he refused to answer my question until I managed to threaten him.

"If you don't tell me, be sure to expect Hwasa finding out about what you are up to with Nabi." I said while trying to not raise my voice.

His eyes widened and suddenly begged me to not tell Hwasa that he unfortunately cheated on her with my friend.

Hwasa was such a beautiful and kind soul that she didn't even deserve a guy like Kwan.

He gave in and finally opened up.

"A rumour is going around that you and Jooheon are secretly in a relationship."

My jaw slightly dropped, in that moment I didn't know if I should be defensive or I should just remain quiet and let him talk but I realized that he wasn't going to say anything further without my input.

"Who started the rumour? Or do you know at least who started it?" I asked.

He sighed and stopped painting, "I can't say who but I can say that the person is a he."

He? Who could it be? I knew that it wouldn't be Jooheon because he insisted on us being friends. And even if it was him, why didn't he shoot his shot while he spent time with me the day prior.

"Does Jooheon know about the rumour?" I asked.

"What rumour?"

We both quickly turned around and my gaze quickly fell on Jooheon who stood by the door. In that moment I was overwhelmed with fear and panic. Wondering if he heard the conversation.

Jooheon walked in the art room and approached us, Kwan stepped back. I didn't know how to react, I was placed under a situation that I couldn't control.

"Speak up, what rumour?" He asked with his voice being raised.

"Jae will tell you." Kwan quickly packed up his area and left the art room.

Jooheon's attention then fell on me, he forced me to speak up.

"There's a rumour going around about us being in a relationship." I said while looking away from him.

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