chapter 27

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Chae Hyungwon

I finally kissed her. I didn't know if that helped in my plan of winning her over but I hope it did.

In that moment I felt so proud that I've finally did something in that situation. I didn't care about my friendship with Jooheon. I never saw him as my friend.

From the time we were kids he was always a spoiled brat. Just because his father was a most successful business didn't mean that the world revolved around Jooheon.

He always belittled me. He saw me as someone who was inferior to him. As I grew up I've realized everything he had done. Jooheon always lacked love ever since he was a little brat. So I decided to take that from him.

All the girls he's ever loved I stole them from him. It wasn't like I also liked them or anything, I just put on my fake charm for them and stole them. I'm still close with the girls Jooheon ever laid his eyes upon.

I don't love Jae. I just want her to stay away from Jooheon. By making it seem that he was crazy, obsessed, and jealous. I was sure that she realized those things.

I just wanted Jooheon to break.


Lee Jooheon

I wanted to absolutely lay my hands on Hyungwon.

He really pushed my buttons. He didn't realize that I knew what he was doing. He tried to cause issues in my friendship with Jae.

He knew that I had some sort of feelings for her which was why he kept bugging her like a fly.

I went to Felix's house. I was too distraught to go home since I had even more problems there as well.

I entered through the front door and quickly made my way to Felix's bedroom. On my way to his room I greeted his mother who walked down the stairs.

I entered Felix's room and threw my backpack on his bed which startled him.

"What's going on?" Felix asked.

I paced across the room while I rubbed my hand aggressively as if it was cold and I tried to warm it up.

"Jooheon! Speak to me, what's going on?" He asked once again.

"I am going to kill Hyungwon. Mark my words, I am going to kill him!" I yelled.

Felix's eyes widened at my outburst. I wasn't bothered by it at all. I was too angry to be calm and express myself well enough.

"What happened now?" He asked.

"He ditched the boys to spend time we Jae. In front of me! How do you think I must've felt when I saw that?"

I continued to lash out about how much I hated Hyungwon. I just went on and on about how he always tried to sabotage my chances with a girl.

I've never hated someone so much.

"So what do you actually want?"

"I want that Hyungwon to stay away from Jae!"

"I want that Hyungwon to stay away from Jae!"

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