chapter 13

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My morning started off normal as usual. I did my usual routine and ate the same breakfast cereal. Typical.

My mother dropped me off at school as usual. Normally I walked to school but that time around she dropped me off, which I was thankful for.

Once I arrived to school I didn't know where to go. I would went to the art room but I just wanted a break from going there. Instead I went to the basketball courts.

Upon my arrival I saw a group of students playing basketball. I sat down on the stands and took out a book I recently bought.

From time to time I would look up and watch the students play and my eyes would trail back to the words in the book.

After I completed a chapter I looked up from the book and watched the students play. All of a sudden my gaze fell on two people who stood aside from everyone and they looked like they were talking.

I recognized those two. It was Wheein and Jooheon. Jooheon was still alive? I thought he got suspended or something after what happened.

"Aye Jooheon! There's your girlfriend!" I heard someone yell.

Girlfriend? Jooheon had a girlfriend? My heart dropped in disappointment.

I saw him look around until his eyes fell on me. All of a sudden I saw him run out of the basketball court and up the stands. I turned around to see if anyone was behind me and turns out it was just me. Jooheon's "girlfriend" was me.

He approached me and finally sat down next to me. "Hello dear girlfriend." He greeted me with a smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. He chuckled as a response before he wrapped his right arm around me.

"I thought you had a girlfriend and didn't tell me about her." I whined.

"Oh, I'm sorry. This rumour is getting out of hand that it even made you sad. Don't worry, I don't have a girlfriend. I have you silly."

Hearing him say that honestly made me feel weirded out but I didn't mind it at all. If he actually had a girlfriend, I wouldn't know how to handle it. Would I perhaps still be friends with him?

"So what happened yesterday?" I asked.

He removed his hand off me and sighed. I wanted to know what exactly happened. Even if it meant that the thought of it made him uncomfortable. I needed to know answers.

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