chapter 11

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As the day progressed I kept thinking about Jooheon and the moment that we had under the table. It felt surreal.

Lunch period rolled around and I was at the library searching for a book. I didn't go to the catering during lunch, I just wanted to be by myself with my overwhelming thoughts.

I found a book and sat down at my usual spot and proceeded to read, as I read I heard a bunch of kids screaming with a mix of cheering. I didn't know where the noise came from but I didn't seem bothered by it until I saw some of the students from the library run outside to where the noise took place.

I turned to look at a guy that was seated opposite me, we had the same thought. We both got up and placed our books back in the same spot we found them and left the library.

We didn't say a word to each other, we followed the noise and realized that it was coming from the cafeteria. My first instinct was to barge through the door which I did.

I couldn't see what was happening but the way the cafeteria looked packed with tons of students which made it difficult for me to see what took place.

I pushed through the crowd and I couldn't believe what I saw, Jooheon was on top of another male student. He landed punches on the guy's face. I looked around and recognized some of Jooheon's friends and they were in their own fight.

My gaze fell back on Jooheon, he stopped punching the guy to look up and his eyes fell on mine. I didn't know how to feel in that moment. Anger? Fear?

After a few seconds he got flipped over by the guy that he was in a fight with. Fists landed on Jooheon's face. It was an eyesore sight to witness.

Jooheon tried his best to shield himself but failed, a groan escaped Jooheon's lips. It sounded as if he was on the verge to cry.

Next thing I saw a punch being thrown on the side of the guy's face which knocked him out cold. It happened so fast that I didn't know whether if it was Jooheon who did it or it was the friend who stood behind the guy.

That was when everyone yelled for help, Jooheon crawled away from the guy and looked at him with horror. He couldn't comprehend what just happened.

Jooheon's friend knelt down next to him and whispered something in his ear.

I was immediately overwhelmed with the sense of worry and guilt. Did Jooheon experience the same thing?

My mind wasn't able to fathom what was going on, was I mad at Jooheon? What were these emotions that I was overwhelmed with?

I took one last glance at Jooheon, he turned to look at me. I turned around and made my way out of the cafeteria.

All I heard was Jooheon call out for me, I didn't bother to turn around. I continued walking until I left the cafeteria. I didn't know where to go but I wanted to be far away from everyone.

As I walked towards the entrance of the school I felt someone grab my hand. My first initial thought was Jooheon. I didn't fight back. I turned to look at the person behind me and it was my ex crush, Haneul.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

I yanked my arm off his grip and took a step back.

"Look I understand that you're upset about your boyfriend getting into a fight but you have to at least be supportive."

That word, boyfriend. I didn't sit well in my throat. It was a hard pill to digest.

"I know, but it's too overwhelming." I responded.

"I understand, let's go to English class since that's the next lesson after lunch." He said while he gestured for me to walk.

I finally had the courage to walk. We made our way to our English class. Fortunately the door was open and our teacher was just about to leave.

"Oh hello you two, make yourself comfortable. When the other students arrive please watch over my desk."

She said in a hurry as she rushed out the classroom. I sat down at my usual desk and Haneul sat by his desk next to me.

He kept me company until some of my other classmates entered since the school bell rang which indicated that lunch was over and it was time for the next class.

The class was filled to it's full capacity of learners assigned for that class. Everyone kept talking about the fight that happened during lunch.

"Jooheon was won that fight overall. That last punch? Damn!" A student yelled.

"Jooheon didn't punch him, it was Kihyun!" Another student responded.

A whole debate took place about who punched the guy and who actually won the fight fairly.

It felt like I was in a nightmare. All I was concerned about was the student who got punched. Was he okay? My mind was overwhelmed with so many thoughts that it was hard to keep up.

Could everything quiet down?

Could everything quiet down?

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