chapter 3

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As the day progressed I anticipated to see that person who wrote that letter to me. I didn't tell any of my friends about the letter as I feared that they were going to tease me about. However, I couldn't hold it in any longer and decided to tell one of my closet friends, Nabi.

It was during lunch break and we all were seated in the cafeteria. As all my other friends spoke I tried to get Nabi's attention which I did successfully.

"Girl, I need to show you something." I took out the note from my blazer pocket and secretly handed it to her. She hid it beside her and read it.

"Oh my days!" She blurted out cloud. She covered her mouth and we both looked around the cafeteria, some of the students were looking at our direction which made us giggle.

"What's wrong?" Bora asked.

"I just had an epiphany, nothing serious by the way. SORRY FOR CAUSING HAVOC FOLKS, CONTINUE WITH WHATEVER STUPID CONVERSATION YOU ALL WERE ENGAGED IN." Nabi exclaimed.

Everyone continued with what ever they were doing, including our friends we were seated with.

"Who's J?" She asked in a whispered tone.

"I don't know, I'm trying to figure out but so far no luck." I answered.

"There has to be someone, I'm thinking of Jae Beom, Jae Bong, Jooheon, and Jay."

I've heard Jooheon and Jae Beom but especially Jooheon since he was regarded as the most handsomest guy in the entire school. It's also the name of my crush.

We continued to talk about the letter and the potential person. I noticed that Nabi was staring at someone behind me. I turned around to follow her gaze and she was looking at some very familiar, my crush.

He was staring right back at her until his gaze fell on mine, a smile quivered on his face. He then waved at me, I shyly waved back and turned around to look at Nabi.

"Are you two friends?" She asked.

I thought about what she said for a moment, we never spoke to each other nor we were even friends. I found it hard to answer her question which resulted in me responding with a slight nodded.

She looked away from him and continued with our conversation. All I could think of was the way he looked at me with that warm smile on his face and the fact that he greeted me with a wave.

Was it genuine? Did he do it because he noticed that my friend was watching and he didn't want to seem rude and not acknowledge me?

What I tried to understand was why did he do all of that as if we were close friends or something but we never spoke to each other at all.

Internally I was dancing with all the butterflies surrounding me, being excited for me that my mystery person greeted me with that beautiful smile he had.

His smile brought me hope that I could win his heart...


Time finally passed by and it was after school, it was the time for me to finally know who the person was.

I decided to go to the art room to catch up with my artwork, I took off my blazer and placed it on the chair. I searched for my canvas and paintbrush, when I found it I began to paint.

I was nearing the end of finishing a certain section of my artwork until I had a sudden urge to stop painting and open the windows.

As I did so the wind was so strong that the leaves of the trees that were situated close to the window were blown in the classroom.

I didn't bother cleaning, I just walked back to my table and continued with my artwork.

As I painted I was startled by a voice, "I finally found you."

I turned around swiftly only to see him. My crush, Lee Jooheon who stood by the door with a smile on his face.

He entered the classroom and placed his backpack down, he approached me and pulled me in for a hug. I was caught off guard by this act as I didn't hug him back.

He pulled away and stood in front of me, "this is me, the person who wrote the letter." He introduced himself.

A smile quivered on my face, I didn't know that Jooheon was the one who wrote the letter. I never thought that it was him out of all people, what would he want with someone like me?

He then leaned forward, my initial thought that was the fact that he was going to kiss me which seemed entirely rushed until I saw his hand reach for my hair.

"You have something in your hair."


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