chapter 25

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The rest of the day was absolute trash. My mother picked me up from school, before she did so, she spoke to the principal about my fate. I had to be suspended for a week.

Weirdly enough my mother wasn't bothered at all but she was upset that I was suspended since my first time getting into trouble at school for something serious. I injured another learner however I couldn't care less.

My mother obviously told my father about my situation. He definitely blamed Jooheon. Apparently Jooheon was a bad influence to me and I should stay away from him.

I didn't know whether if I should feel bad or mad at the fact that my father blamed Jooheon. Yes me and Jooheon haven't spoken to each other for a while, it doesn't mean I stopped loving him by any chance.

All the memories of me and Jooheon came back. The time we danced together, the little moments we had at any given chance, and most definitely the kiss. As much as I was confused about the situation and was infused with jealousy I still loved him.

That one week was draining and boring. I missed my best friend Nabi and Hyungwon.

Despite being at home for that duration, Nabi frequently visited me which I was grateful for. She constantly made sure that I was alright. I actually wasn't bothered by the situation at all. However I was disappointed in myself for getting suspended. I never thought I would ever get suspended from school. It was such a surreal experience.

That one week, I made the most of it. By sleeping. I didn't bother studying at all. Despite Nabi letting me know that I had homework, I didn't bother doing them. My mind was occupied in another world that caused me to disconnect from society.

Whenever I went to the grocery store and saw someone from any of my classes, I would flat out avoid them. It wasn't like I was afraid of their reaction. I didn't want attention.

I recall this one moment I saw Jooheon at the park with his friends and I quickly left the park. I knew that he saw me since I had an overwhelming feeling that someone was watching me.

Although that one week was absolutely trash, at least I had a break from those monsters at school. Both the teachers and students. Everyday I felt drained. However when I was at home for that one week I didn't feel drained. I was relaxed and full on energy.

That all came to an end once I had to attend school again.

look I get that this chapter is extremely short, relax. there's another chapter being published after this one and it's much more interesting.

 there's another chapter being published after this one and it's much more interesting

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