chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I knew the reason why.

I did my usual morning routine. That time around my father dropped me off at school which was weird at first.

The drive was silent majority of the time before my father spoke up about something that I knew he would bring up.

"So Jooheon, is he your friend?"

Surprisingly, my father didn't sound mad. He spoke in his normal tone which was nothing but calmness.

"Yes, he is." I answered.

Once again, silence.

He finally reached to the school. I told him to not fetch me since I planned on walking home. Fortunately he agreed and so when after school arrived I could do whatever I wanted.


As the day progressed I finally had art class. My art teacher mentioned that we had less than 5 days to finish up our assignment.

Luckily I was almost done with my painting. I just needed to paint the sky and I was done.

As I was finishing up a certain section of the painting I felt something tickled the back of my neck. I flinched only to hear a chuckle come from behind me.

"I didn't know you were ticklish there."

I turned around only to see Hyungwon behind me. I rolled my eyes and a chuckle escaped from my lips.

"Well I am ticklish at that spot. Don't do it again." I warned him.

Unfortunately, whenever I tried to sound threatening nobody took me serious. Apparently I sounded "too cute."


"I see you're almost done."

He moved away from me and stood in front of my table, admiring my artwork.

"I like it, it looks really good." He complimented it.

I thanked him for his kind remarks. I then decided to look at his. I quickly made my way to his table and finally had the chance to see his artwork.

It was a painting of an anime character, Boruto Uzumaki. It looked so cool. It looked scaringly similar to the actual anime character. I couldn't describe how accurate it looked.

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