chapter 29

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I finally reached the park and searched for Jae. I saw someone wave at me, I slowly walked towards them and as I continued to get closer I recognized the face.

My love.

I ran towards her and bear hugged her. I knew that she was caught off guard but I didn't seem to care. I held her tightly. However I felt her pushing me off her. I let go and stared at her with a blank expression.

"I didn't come here to act lovey with you. We need to talk." she said as she stepped back.

I put my hands on either side of my sweatpants pockets. I nodded for her to speak up. I didn't expect this from her.

"Do you really see Hyungwon as your friend?"

I rolled my eyes and before I could respond she chuckled. "I knew that you were jealous of him."

"Jealous? I'm not jealous!" I defended myself.

"Of course you are! Ever since after the picnic you were acting strange. What's going on? Tell me the truth!" She demanded.

I sighed. I had to tell her the truth and nothing but the truth. She deserves it, we both deserve it.

"Fine, let's get this clear. I'm not jealous of Hyungwon, I'm just protecting what's mine."

"Protecting? You're protecting me from Hyungwon? Is he a bad boy or something?" she asked.

"Just shut up and listen, please." I said as I stepped closer to her. She slightly nodded. I could sense fear in her. Probably it was because of my sudden change of demeanor.

I told her all of my past situations I had with Hyungwon. About how whenever I liked a girl, he always stuck his nose in our business.

He always tried his best to sweet talk the girls and make it seem that I was the jealous and obsessed one however he was the jealous and obsessed one all along.

Jae didn't seem to believe me at all. She defended him. Saying that he was a great and kind guy and he wouldn't do anything like that. She even used the excuse of them doing art together and how friendly he is to everyone.

Of course, she didn't know him that well. She's only using the surface level things to prove a point while I know the core things about Hyungwon.

"You don't know him like that. I've known him since we were kids. You've only known him for a few years."

Jae remained silent. I continued to explain everything. How he told Felix that he planned on winning Jae over, leaving me rejected once again.

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