chapter 20

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Jooheon POV

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Jooheon POV

Fuckin hell. The day had arrived. I really didn't want to go. Not because I wasn't a fan of picnics. I just didn't want Jae Sang around Hyungwon.

For the preparation with regards to the picnic, I went to a convenience store to buy some sushi. My mother was willing to make kimchi's which I couldn't say no to.

As I helped my mother prepare my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the screen only to see Jae Sang's name.

My heart started beating fast. It seemed like my heart was excited to see her name. I too got excited.

"Hello, aunty Jae Jae." I greeted her.

"Since when I'm an aunty? Meet outside to throw hands!" She yelled.

I laughed at her response. She couldn't even take a silly joke. From that moment onwards, I always teased her.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask if you're bringing anything?" She asked.

"You don't have to bring anything. Me and Hyungwon have everything sorted. You can bring a blanket however."

"Sure! Oh and can we meet at your house? I want to walk with you."

I looked at my mother and noticed that she had a smile on her face. Of course she knew that I was talking to a girl. Or was it because of how excited I sounded while I spoke to Jae?

I didn't hesitate to say yes. She seemed delighted which was a good thing. I ended the phone call and placed my phone back inside the pocket of my sweatpants.

If I mentioned anything about the phone call with Jae my mother was going to tease me about it. So I remained quiet and assisted her whilst trying to hold in my smile.


As I was about to leave the house I saw Jae walked towards the direction of my house. At first I was confused. How did she know where I lived but then I remembered that day I asked her to accompany me to my house to hide the stray kitten.

I said my goodbyes to my mother and left through the front door. I quickly approached the gate and opened it.

"Hey aunty." I teased.

"Ugh." She turned around and walked away.

"Woah woah wait!"

I was able to grab her hand and gently pulled her closer to me.

"I'm sorry, Jae. Okay let me start over, hey my love."

Her eyes widened and her jaw slightly dropped. A chuckle escaped my lips. I winked at her and led the way.

The walk to the park was filled with nothing but silence between us. Not that I was bothered by it.

Upon our arrival I saw Hyungwon seated on the bench. I was overwhelmed with bodily heat.

Couldn't he gotten sick or something?

"Hey Hyungwon!" Jae yelled.

I rolled my eyes, trying to hold in my somewhat visible anger. She let go of my hand and walked towards him. What the fuck?

Fortunately Hyungwon didn't hug Jae. Otherwise it would be a totally different thing. The next thing everyone would be hearing is Hyungwon being found dead in a ditch.

Little do people know the suspect will be me.

Anyways, I approached Hyungwon and greeted him with our secret handshake. It was a guy thing. Did girls also have a handshake? Or was it their iconic ear damaging screams whenever they see each other after a damn zombie apocalypse.

We walked to a spot at the park that was not too far from the entrance but it wasn't in the middle of the park.

Jae prepared the blanket and we finally sat down. Hyungwon opened the picnic basket and took out various meals.

I took out the sushi and the kimchi that was inside a large container. I hoped that the kimchi tasted better than whatever Hyungwon brought.

"Dig in guys." he insisted.

Jae didn't waist any time and immediately began feasting. It was cute seeing her eat. Her mouth being filled with food causing her cheeks to expand. She looked like a squirrel.

"So, how you guys meet?" Hyungwon asked.

"I wrote a letter to her. I highlighted on the idea of us being friends. Fortunately she agreed." I answered.

I looked over at Jae and she nodded, indicating that I was telling the truth.

We all then spoke briefly about the friendship and Hyungwon also asked questions as well.

The conversation completely shifted to the both of them having their own separate conversation. I was left all by myself. I just watched them talk lively about art and how they love to oil paint.


Time flew by extremely fast. Which was a good thing since I wasn't interested in the picnic at all. And Hyungwon decided to indirectly steal the attention of Jae.

It was time to go home. We packed up our stuff. We approached the entrance of the park. Me and Hyungwo did our handshake while Hyungwo and Jae just verbally said their goodbyes.

The walk back to our neighborhood was silent once again. It was much needed since I wasn't in the mood for any sort of conversation with anyone.

We approached Jae's house, "Thanks for the day. I really enjoyed myself." She acknowledged.

You should tell Hyungwon that since you was his center of attention.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I'll see you on Monday." I pulled her in for a short hug before I walked off.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

Thanks Hyungwon, thanks.



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