chapter 5

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Nothing much took place ever since I got home from school. I didn't have any homework which was the shocking thing but I had to study for the biology test.

My study session was productive. I was able to actively recall information and the section I studied made sense which was a good thing.

After studying I cleaned my room which took up a lot of my time since I planned to go to the gym which I ended going anyways but I was there shorter than usual. Fortunately my mother was kind enough to drop me off at the gym and picked me up once I was done.

I arrived at the gym and went to my usual spot and immediately proceeded with what I had to do. As I did my usual routine I recognized someone, he was assisting someone who was bench pressing. He then looked up at my direction and a smile appeared on his face. It was Jooheon.

Seeing him wearing an outfit that wasn't his school uniform brought me somewhat fascinated me. His body was well shaped and muscular. Weirdly enough I found myself looking at his butt when he turned around for a few seconds.

I then had the sudden urge to grab his butt but I managed to control myself and not attempt to do anything that would cause me to land in a jail cell.

Once he turned around to face me I smiled back at him and waved, without waiting for his reaction I looked away and proceeded with my squats. As I was done with my squats I decided to do weight lifts.

"I didn't know you gym." I turned around and saw Jooheon behind me. Gosh he looked attractive up close.

"Now you do." I teased. He chuckled at my response.

"I guess I do, are you ready for tomorrow's biology test?" He asked.

I felt confident about the test and so my response to him sounded enthusiastic. He acknowledged how confident I was about the test and joked about sharing some of my confidence with him. I gently hit his arm and giggled.

While I was lifting weights he watched me, analysing every move. I didn't know what was going through his mind but as soon as he smiled, it made me even more curious.

"What's wrong? Why are you smiling?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"You're cute when you gym." He complimented me. I rolled my eyes and a smirk appeared on my face.

"Thanks, I guess. Are you even going to do something?" I questioned.

"I arrived 2 hours before you so I'm practically done with what I had to do." He said whilst stretching his arms out wide and let out a sighed.

As time progressed we spoke throughout my gym session, he would help me with certain things and I once forced him to do plank with me. He kindly did before he realized that we were in that position for more than a minute.

He fell on his stomach and held his lower back and groaned in agony. It was hilarious seeing him in a vulnerable state. Hearing him call out for his mother was the cherry on top of the icing cake.

I walked behind him and rubbed his lower back, he would flinch at times which made me giggle like a little girl in middle school.

As I rubbed his back I found myself being unable to hold in my smile, being that close to him felt like heaven. He didn't know how much of an effect he had on me. He didn't know that I developed feelings for him which lasted ever since during 10th grade until we were in 12th grade.

Time progressed and it was my time to leave. Before I left he gave me a side hug, I hoped for a regular hug but I didn't mind the side hug. As long as I was close to him.

He helped me pack my stuff and walked me downstairs to the parking lot to where my mother was waiting. As I approached my mother's car I heard him call out to me.

"Jae Jae!" I stopped and turned around.

"See you tomorrow!" He yelled, I smiled and waved at him. I proceeded with my walk towards my mother's car.

Whilst she was seated in the car she opened the trunk of the car, I opened the door fully and threw my bag inside. I closed the door of the trunk and made my way towards the backseat, I got in and closed the door.

My mother drove out of the parking lot and made her way home.

Once again the drive was silent for some time until she asked a random question, "was that your boyfriend?" She asked.

I looked at her through the rear view mirror, "no he's not... he's just a friend." I answered.

"If you say so." She said as she didn't add anything to what she said.

That was weird, although I completely understood why she assumed that it was my boyfriend because of the fact the he walked with me halfway to the car and he said that he was going to see me the following day.

Alas we finally reached home, she parked her car on the driveway. I got out of the car and my way to the trunk of the car waiting for her to open the door.

She opened it and I lifted the door just slightly above my head and took my gym bag and closed the door thereafter. I walked in the house and made my way upstairs to my bedroom.

I anticipated for the next day to arrive because I wanted to see him.

I really wanted to see his handsome face again.



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