chapter 18

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The school day ended and my mother fetched me. As usual the drive home was silent.

I was in my room trying not to cry. Hearing my parents argue once again never failed to make me feel emotional. My brother wasn't here to comfort me. I felt alone.

Their arguing stopped midway as I heard my father talk in his normal tone. I wasn't sure who he was talking to but it was definitely not my mother.

I then heard a knock on the door. The door was slightly pushed opened by my father.

"Someone is here to see you." He said.

He then stepped aside, revealing someone that I didn't expect to see.

What confused me was the fact that my father allowed him to see me. Yet alone a guy in general. My father never liked me being around any guy, especially in my room where there was tons of privacy.

As soon as he walked in my father closed the door. I just looked at him with a blank expression. I didn't know if I should be mad at him or I should just pretend like everything was alright. Or was I supposed to be afraid of his reaction?

He slowly put down his backpack whilst staring at me. I could tell by his expression that he was worried about something.

"Hello, Jae." he greeted me.

I took a gulp of my saliva that lingered in my mouth. "Hello, Jooheon."

"May I sit down on your bed?" he asked.

Without a verbal response, I nodded. He removed his shoes and climbed on the bed. He then crawled closer to me pulling me in for a tight hug.

"I can explain." He said.

I pulled away and looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Before he responded he sighed. I didn't know what was going to come out from his mouth but I was willing to listen to whatever he said.

"I'm sorry for moving too fast. I know that I wanted us to be friends, I guess I moved too fast." He said as tried to avoid eye contact with me.


"Remember what I said in the letter? About your beauty makes me nervous?" He questioned.

I nodded which led him to explain further.

"Now that I'm sort of used to you, your beauty makes me act reckless. It's weird to say this but I treat you as a prize-"

"Is it that why you- nevermind but can I ask you a question." I said realizing that I interrupted him.

He didn't seem to mind. He gestured for me to talk.

"Why did you want me to kiss you?"

He then immediately lost eye contact with me. He struggled to look at me, realizing what he said. I found his behavior weird since I wanted an answer.

"Please answer me, Jooheon. I want to know-"

"It's because... it's because I'm interested in you. Romantically."

In that moment I was confused yet surprised. I didn't know that he liked me which was why he behaved extremely friendly towards me. At the back of my mind I knew that there was something off about him but I didn't want to say anything about it.

I didn't know whether I rejoice at the fact that he felt the same way or was he just playing a prank on me.

"Does it mean that you like me?"

"Yes, I do like you. Very much." He answered.

I laid down on my back while I stared at the ceiling. I didn't know how to comprehend what he just confessed. Whether if I should be happy that he felt the same way towards me.

Should we end up being in a relationship? But it seemed rushed. I didn't know him on a personal level at all.

I then saw his figure hovering on top of me. It was a pleasure seeing him in that position.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." A small smile appeared on my face.

He looked a bit hesitant for a few minutes before I noticed that his face was moving closer towards mine. Our faces were in close proximity. It looked as if we were about to kiss but I knew he was fighting the urge.

Using my left hand I gently held his face, pulling him closer to mine which resulted with a kiss.

I kissed him first. I was the first one to initiate it. It felt weird in that moment but I didn't seem to care. In that moment it was just me and him.

I then felt his hand gently grip around my left hip. He slowly himself on top of me but not too much. I felt his lower area touch the lower part of my stomach.

I felt weird feeling that his lower area touched the lower part of my abdomen. I tried to fight back a smile but I failed.

He then pulled away and stared at me, "why are you smiling?" He asked.

I just shook my head. I didn't want to tell him the reason. It felt embarrassing.

I pulled him closer again and kissed him once again.

hehe, don't think that this is the end of the story, there's more drama coming. this is only the beginning. i hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote if you did.



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