𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝟎𝟑

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      NIGHTFALL COULD BE the most dangerous part of the season, temperatures dropping like flies and no sun in sight to at least keep warm

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      NIGHTFALL COULD BE the most dangerous part of the season, temperatures dropping like flies and no sun in sight to at least keep warm. not to mention the almost nonexistent visibility that's only given by the moon that provides little for anything nor anyone to see.

lucy stomped away, almost tripping on a root that was sticking out of the ground, an aggravated huff left the girls lips as she decided to just float around rather than trip on everything, "go away!" she yelled, wafting her hands to somehow shoo the holy creature away.

you stared with eyes full of emptiness, taking a step when lucy does, mimicking her actions and never leaving her out of your sights. you'd narrow your eyes at her, kind of annoyed with her hostile personality, "i saved you and your acting like this?" you barked a remark, feeling irked as she continued to glare up at you.

"i don't need saving, and i'm sure i don't need you!" lucy yelled, showing her teeth as she grind the upper set with her bottom to show how she too was annoyed, but with you. she then continued to levitate blindly into the forest, this alone made you start walking after her, solely from concern as to where she would lead herself in another dire situation.

the reply you got left you quiet, you weren't going to lash out on this kid, it was clear she had a tragic past, her hostility could possibly be instinct from her past trauma or something along the lines. despite feeling numb and empty, you still felt a splotch of concern for her safety. for a ghost, you were sure she could handle herself from rabid animals and if something were to squish her from the weight, you were positive that she couldn't die twice.

what kept you from leaving her was the red that her pale skin had, again, you were sure she couldn't die from hypothermia but that possibly didn't mean she wasn't freezing as we speak. lucy didn't acknowledge you but you knew she would eventually, it was safe to assume that she was fed up with you and needed a small break before she'd yell her head off again.

from the scratched and worn out blue shoes she wore, it was clear she had been walking for months on end, possibly even years. she had no home and nobody to turn to which left you all the more reason to stick by her.

she looked over her shoulder, an unpleasant frown tugged on her lips, "could you just stop??" and stop you did, staring at her as she continued to walk, you quickly did the same, trailing close behind before she instead stopped in her tracks, whipping her ghostly body around to face you, "what did i just say?"

"i stopped when you asked." you would reply.

"i don't need some angel taking care of me when it couldn't do that when i was on the brink of death!" lucy held rage in the blue hues of her eyes, something that could look so innocent seemed to burn with hatred instead, though you did not falter, did not move, did not leave. the young poltergeist glared harder, finally coming to a conclusion that you weren't going anywhere but follow her. with a small sigh, lucy calmed down the slightest, "what are you even doing here?"

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