𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐮𝐲, 𝟏𝟕

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     A BLOODY MASSACRE. a mixture of various blood from different parts of animals was displayed before you, the sun giving you the light you needed. the patches of snow could be compared to the pools of blood close by, it was a sight to behold. animals hung from trees, split into half, mercilessly gutted out. there wasn't a place you couldn't see without a smidge of blood.

it reeked, numerous flies swarmed around the corpses, indicating a fresh kill. you sighed disappointedly, pondering on how you managed to get stuck in this situation. damn that slenderfuck for giving you no choice. you scrunched your nose in disgust, wearing white wasn't a great idea.

you took a step forward, making sure to lift the white dress you wore, additionally lifting your wings higher as to not stain the snow white feathers. walking around the perimeter, you could feel the essence of a threatening aura, it's faint, maybe it had left.

dodging the pools of blood, you narrowed your eyes at the gory scene before you. "blegh... how unprofessional for an angel." you huffed, turning your head left to right, trying to see if you could somehow track the lingering aura.

what's surprising is that slender hadn't suggested any other pasta's to accompany you, which reassures you that slender is oh so worried about you. how sweet of him. fortunately enough, before you left, a specific demon demanded to know where you were headed.

now said demon is snickering at your statement from the borderlines of the massacre, his hands tucked comfortably in his hooded pockets as he watched with those voided eyes of his. "your doing great baby." he encouraged, you swore you could see the smug smile behind his wretched mask.

an ick mark appeared on your forehead, you clutched your dress even tighter, knowing damn well it would result in wrinkles. "yes honey, thank you." you managed to say through gritted teeth, adding a pet name of your own since he had suddenly done so on this small trip of yours.

lately, you realised that emotions do get to you easily. especially anger. it concerned you but as of now you could not dwell on that, currently you were held against your own will to risk your life. that you will do.

your face relaxed, looking down at your white boots that were dipped in blood, now stained with the scarlet colour, a moment of tense silence passed. you thought, furrowing your brows in the process of thinking. "do you feel it EJ?" you questioned, "the presence is faint but its lingering." you felt as though it was no longer safe to be standing here.

the eyeless demon didn't answer, instead out came a, "come here y/n." and you did just that, your eyes never left the scene before you which led you to blindly walk backwards towards the demon who brings you comfort. eventually you felt his arms wrap around your waist securely, placing his chin on your shoulder to observe the scene in a more relaxed way now that you were in his arms.

"do you think it left?" you spoke up, lowering your wings so that he could comfortably hold you. "i can't make it out, jack.."

"it left." the demon mumbled out, surveying the perimeter. "it's not zalgo, that's for sure." he confirmed with a huff, tightening his hold on you. you felt his claws dig into your clothes, enough to notice but not hurt.

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