𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐝, 𝟎𝟖

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     YOU LET OUT A CONTENT sigh as your eyes gazed at the flickering fire

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     YOU LET OUT A CONTENT sigh as your eyes gazed at the flickering fire. currently you were relaxing with zalgo, you laid atop of him as your head rested on his chest. the two of you positioned comfortably on a couch in the lounge room.

you had eventually stopped drawing patterns on his body, finding out that he had fallen asleep. his body felt warm against yours but you lacked the strength to fall into a peaceful slumber like he did, was this a trait you had in your past life? was it this hard to fall asleep?

you would wonder again and again, going to the human city didn't help you recollect your memories at all, you were starting to lose all hope about discovering your past life. it was frustrating when you forgot your core self, it was frustrating that you forgot something so important.

you pushed your body away from his, gazing at his relaxed features. zalgo was deep in slumber, he seemed to really need it, a lazy hand laid around your waist which at some point gently slid off. you stared with bright eyes, scanning and memorising his features even more. his pitch black skin being perfect for him to blend in the darkness as scars littered his face and body, you trailed your fingers against them as you pondered what had caused him to gain such wounds.

zalgo was such a mystery to you, he didn't seem to be telling you the truth and at the same time you couldn't figure out if he was giving you false information. he was a powerful being, you could feel it in his deadly aura. though one thing for sure was that he truly did treat you like a lover, being gentle and calm with you, being patient and loving with you. you couldn't help the small smile on your lips as you recalled the small memories you shared, his words didn't seem sincere when he elaborated mysteries that you would curiously ask about but when it would be about you, he seemed so genuine.

whenever you would ask about your self, it seemed to be the only topic he adored to share with you. albeit it left you flustered at times when he rained a waterfall of compliments your way, he had a way with words and his deep and gruff voice didn't help your situation any better.

your gut on the other hand, your gut tells you to run away, run away not only from the demon but from the people you had recently encountered. your gut tells you that there all a danger, that you need to stick to your task at hand.

what was your task anyway? you were content with bringing peace to the world, perhaps that was your purpose. to bring happiness and peace to this horrible world, you loved to see when others were happy, you adored it even.

with a soft sigh, you left a small phantom-like kiss on zalgo's cheek before getting up from the couch. rest didn't seem to come by any time soon so you decided it would be best to just kill the time when you could, the demon didn't seem to stir in his sleep, he truly needed his rest, you'd come back and lead him to his bedroom soon tho. the couch didn't look to comfortable.

with soft and quiet steps, you exited the lounge room, your wings send a small wave of wind every time you turned, gently the tips of the limbs dragged along the blood red carpet. your silky white robe flowing with every movement as your hair naturally shifted.

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