𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝟏𝟑

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     THE ROOM WAS silently tense, no one daring to move, not even lift a single finger

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THE ROOM WAS silently tense, no one daring to move, not even lift a single finger. though that brief and heavy silence was sliced by the brunette of a proxy, toby being the one to move and talk as he twitched here and there.

"i-i think i hit m-my head." he mumbled, rubbing a random spot on the side of his head as he took off his orange goggles, squinting his eyes in the process. the man was very much doubting his eyes at the moment, a small frown plastered on his scarred lips.

a breathless chuckle left kate as she covered half of her face with a single hand, it was hard to believe you were here in the same room but she wasn't one to demise her sense of sight. "welcome back y/n."

"hello." you greeted curtly, awkwardly shifting in your spot as you offered a small wave. the smallest of sighs could be heard coming from EJ, upset that his alone time with you was cut so short. though he couldn't really blame anyone, could he? after all, he's not the only one that wants you.

masky cleared his throat, looking off to the side as he covered the mouth of his mask, almost as if he was flushed. hoodie could be seen unmoving, staring at you. it was hard to read their expressions but you were glad the young brunette showed obvious signs that you managed to pick up.

"y/n!!!!!!!" he yelled, throwing himself onto you. "did y-you miss me baby??" he cooed, you manage to catch him around his waist as he wrapped his arms around your shoulder for support. a chuckled escaped his throat, his voice lowering an octave or two as he inched close to your ear, "cause i s-sure as hell did."

"o-oh, that's... kind of you." you mumbled the last words out, recalling the memories in the alleyway where he had trapped you, it was fascinating how his attitude could be of sunshines and rainbows and the next some man who wishes nothing but blood. sadly, no old memories had resurfaced of this particular man, however something did itch at the back of your head.

it wasn't long before toby was practically ripped off you, courtesy of jack. even in his injured state, he wields such power. EJ's hand holding the proxy's collar firmly didn't seem to loosen in the slightest, "back the fuck away." he harshly let go which led toby to stumble over his feet, he would have fallen if it weren't for hoodie catching him.

but in all honesty, hoodie would have let the proxy fall if it weren't for the sole fact that toby would have fallen on the hooded man. he didn't want to be brought down during toby's stumble so catching him was the best option to avoid that aftermath.

ani's eyes seemed to dim slightly, the small frown went unnoticed by others as she stared at how jack behaved. it was different, he was different. why was that?

"sheesh!" toby gritted his teeth, stabilising himself on his boots, "y-you're not the only o-one who misses her." he grumbled, dusting himself to act the part.

before the bickering of the group could continue on, a loud clap of hands sounded. the blaring noise seemed to shake the room, instantly shutting everyone up.

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