𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩, 𝟐𝟐

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     SLENDER WAS SEATED, his fingers tangled on top of his desk

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SLENDER WAS SEATED, his fingers tangled on top of his desk. "you are telling me.. that a human can see y/n?" he sounded.. surprisingly shocked. he's usually two steps forward ahead of everyone so really, this news shouldn't be surprising. well, things happen and this is just a prime example.

"y-yeah, she says it's su-some sixth sense bull crap." toby nonchalantly informer, tugging at his gloves here and there, not really putting that much focus on the conversation. what really occupied his mind was when you went off at hoodie and him, it upset him quite a bunch.

hoodie stood idly besides the brunette, not moving, not speaking or even reacting. clearly something bothered the man but it was the least of the other two's concerns.

"more and more trouble.." slender sighed, rubbing his temple with two fingers. "i can no longer risk having connections with the humans." it was such an odd thing to say when he in the first place had let you stay.. and things escalated drastically, maybe even risking the manor itself during your time alive.

"sometimes yuh-you gotta remember that you
w-were the one who invited y/n to joi-join this fam, slendy." toby chuckled, tilting his head in amusement to see his boss's reaction, ticking now and then.

slender didn't seem to react at all, "it seems an entity like myself... makes mistakes too, toby." his shoulders were sunken and tired, too tired to lash out at the proxy or even doing anything. everything always gets harder and harder and it makes the entity want to crumble and wither away at times.

hoodie dramatically sighed, catching both toby's and slender's attention. "what do we about this.. new human. i don't like him." he said, straightforward words and wanting to get his point through.

"well, hoodie." the entity shifted in his seat, sometimes toby would always wonder how slender could keep a straight posture on his chair, tilting his head in curiosity and wonder. "masky needs to watch over lazari, you and toby have an upcoming mission which leaves kate." slender briefly started go explain, his tone getting darker in an eerie manner.

a tone of knowingness in his voice was evident, as if he was confident that a mistake won't be done twice or any time thrice soon. slender also seemed agitated as to how there's been a bit too much interaction and intervention with the human society. therefore, if this action does continue, there clearly would be even more challenges and trouble.

where the damned are tortured, he guessed that this is probably some form of karma actually catching up to him for the many centuries he's rained terror on humans. unfortunate, but it wasn't really enough to make him quit.

sadistic, hungry power entity.

"send an order to kate, eliminate this human, leave no witnesses or evidence. i want him gone." he continued where he left off, balling his fists tightly. a solemn gesture and tone that would run a threatening shiver up the spines of the proxies.

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