𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡, 𝟏𝟐

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     ONCE EMPTY EYES were filled with a hatred of passion, staring down at the kneeling zalgo who panted

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     ONCE EMPTY EYES were filled with a hatred of passion, staring down at the kneeling zalgo who panted. the visible large gashes and holes on his body oozed with wet blood, you were also in the same condition, only it was scratches and a bloody nose with tattered clothes.

"pray," you hissed, a feather dangerously close to the neck of the demon, "pray for damn mercy you fool." with narrowed eyes, you pushed the feather closer to his neck which drew blood, tainting the snow white plume with a sinister red.

the demon grinned, one that was strained before he coughed slightly, blood spills escaping his mouth. "..did i switch a lever?" he wheezed slightly, finding this whole situation to be a joke, "you look so good, your presence alone is... suffocating." he laughed.

a scowl escaped your lips, kicking him in the chest which sent him to fall on his back. "this is no time for your games, zalgo." you advised, a deep frown painted on the corner of your lips, "if i was you, i would cower in fear."

"how can i do that?" zalgo heaved a deep breath, resting a clawed hand on his chest, "oh to think you would rule beside me, you're perfect to be a leader." he grinned, wiping the blood that slid down his chin.

"your childish dreams are shattered, i would never stand aside a being like you." nothing but pure venom dripped from every word that escaped your lips, your words cutting brutally into any surface with little to no leniency. although your eyes remained vacant, empty, desolated. completely fighting the opposite of what your mouth was doing.

zalgo's chest heaved up and down, panting from the movement this evening had for him. you were agile, speed was your strength. not to mention those deadly wings of yours, really annoying. zalgo has never come up before someone who could actually hurt him excluding slender, so this whole thing? absolutely bothersome for him.

he couldn't say the same about you tho. clothes were ripped and messed up but you were barely breaking a sweat, breathing calculated and not a spec of blood escaped your smooth skin. the only blood there is was zalgo's blood that managed to smudge on you.

"does this give slenderman a chance to get you back?" the red eyed being scoffed, "that's not fucking fair my love." he added, a small smile on his lips as he slowly stood up on his two feet, trying his hardest not to collapse on the ground below him.

your lips parted for your next words but you choked on them, eyes widened as bright images flashed before you. you were having visions, visions of people. visions of the damned... or were these memories? your head was pounding, your dead heart was beating, what was happening.

the flashes of images changed from the familiar entity known as slenderman to his students, all having unique faces. these visions.. no, these memories were a source of happiness to you, you felt a warm burst of comfort through your chest that could almost topple the burning pain in your skull. a feeling that you haven't felt during your time in your angel form, a feeling that felt very familiar, very vague, at the tip of your tongue but it wouldn't change the fact that these memories are still blurry, still distant, still out of your reach.

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