𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝟏𝟓

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     THE ROOM WAS DARK and unsettling, even for the rake

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THE ROOM WAS DARK and unsettling, even for the rake. he had always feared zalgo, even after many decades now, the fear never settled. he stood there, back hunched and fiddling with his slender fingers as he waited the order for his liege to talk.

"how is.. stripes?" his back was turned so the latter couldn't see his expressions, this made the rake all the more nervous. he was afraid he would say something wrong and pay the price.

"s-she is still.. upset, my liege." rake trailed off, shifting in his spot as he silently flinched when he heard zalgo sigh. after the whole deal with you, stripes had charged at zalgo, fuming with anger since he had potentially almost killed one of his children.

the screams and hisses of stripes could be heard down the hallway, she was locked in a room, due to being violent and aggressive afterward. zalgo was cruel enough to lock his own offspring up.

"i've got a runaway child and a pissed daughter." he sighed, running a hand down his face as he glared at the wall he stared, "how splendid." he mumbled with a tired expression. what was the demon to expect? this was all his fault anyway, he had no right to complain.

rake could only stay silent, fiddling with his long fingers. "w-what is your ne-next move, sire..?" he spoke, unnerved by the presence of the demon. anyone could tell by just the way rake was fiddling with his hands and shifting in his spot, to add the averting of his beady eyes too. clearly the creature was uncomfortable.

a low hum escaped his lips, he gently paced back and forth in the throne room. "continue with average procedure, there's nothing i can do but be patient." he said, much reluctantly with an annoyed look.

"yes my liege." rake eagerly nodded, a silent gulp coming from the creature as he hurriedly left the demon alone, almost tripping in his step as he made it out the room.

a sigh escaped his deformed lips, his heartbeat decreasing as he began to walk further away from where he previously was. although doing so, he passed the room where stripes was locked in, and oddly enough she could smell the creature by his scent.

"rake!" she yelled, "get me out!" her words were full of rage, followed by chains scraping each other to show her struggle. a few groans and growls escaped the room, stripes was absolutely feral after seeing zalgo attack lazari. the demon didn't care whether this was going against his rules or what but one thing she would do is lay her own life for her younger sister.

stripes was not going to let the whole thing go down without a proper reaction. she needed to leave this retched place. why now? is what many would be asking. she never really had a purpose in the first place so working under zalgo was enough to fill her leisure time.

she saw the red signs before hand, she knew this was a fucked place to be at but she had no strong reason to actually leave. as of now, she couldn't be working with a monster who would willingly hurt his own children for his benefits. she was tired of being used by that demon, tired of being treated as a weapon rather than a daughter.

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