𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐲, 𝟏𝟖

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     YOU WERE BACK HERE once again, in the slenderman's office

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YOU WERE BACK HERE once again, in the slenderman's office. you stood a few ways away from his desk as he was seen seated behind it, fingers intertwined as his elbows supported the weight of his white head on his hands.

you were presented in new clothing, one more more modern though you still managed to look elegant either way. your eyes narrowed, frowning a bit as you stood tall with your hands behind your back.

"i've heard that you were injured yet i fail to see your wound nor any pain." he spoke up through the tense silence, "why is that?"

"i regenerated my wound, it's not there any longer thus why i don't feel pain." you replied, your wings tucking themselves further behind your back.

a thoughtful hum was heard from the head of the manor, he took that into consideration. this single handed action was enough to make you arch a brow, he was fascinated, you were sure of that.

"moving on, tell me what you saw, dear y/n." he said so bittersweetly, tilting his head as his nonexistent eyes bore into yours with the fiery passion of adding more knowledge to his mind.

who could blame him, to be powerful, you must know almost everything in mother nature's wake.

you gritted your teeth, your body seemed to refuse but you knew well than to fight back, "dead animals and an unknown demon." simple statement, "there was another demon, it's accents were purple and the aura was pressuring. if i was a human, i would've been dead by the wood it shot at me. it's aim is precise and it's power is immaculate."

then, dragged on the silence before the latter spoke up, "you are skilled, a capable asset to this family but you are not experienced. i have concerns for your safety." he said, one would assume he cared for you but his words did not reflect his tone. a tone that was vacant and void of emotions and empathy.

this made your eyes narrow, feeling a bit dissatisfied and disappointed in the taller lad. "this does not concern me but the manor and pastas." you objected, "i can worry about myself." you added, not liking the way he doubted your capability to protect yourself.

"you were pierced with a sharpened wood." slender blandly stated, unamused with how you talked back in such a tone that he knew was fighting.

"it doesn't happen often." your stoic and plain face seemed to now show emotion, which is slight anger. you were frustrated with him and how he could control you like your a puppet, weak and vulnerable. "what you need to do is figure something out."

with that, you turned around and left through the tall oak doors, leaving to slam so you could get your message through. eyebrows still furrowed, walking through the hallway with heavy steps, you were eventually greeted with the face of jane and clockwork.

this made you stop since they clearly wanted you to. your wings folded, arching a brow to indicate what they wanted.

jane was crossing her arms as clockwork leaned on the wall, "how did it go?" the woman with black hair queried, black eyes staring into where your soul would be.

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