𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫, 𝟐𝟏

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     YOU STOOD IN THE kitchen, making simple breakfast for the children that was now officially in your care since jane was away on a classified mission of sorts

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     YOU STOOD IN THE kitchen, making simple breakfast for the children that was now officially in your care since jane was away on a classified mission of sorts.

you hummed to yourself a nice tune you had heard of from the TV, the children were chattering away, having a great time like they should be. you turned and added more food to their half empty plates, placing the pots and pans in the sink to wash.

"haven't seen you in a while, doll face." the familiar disoriented voice had appeared besides you, making you tense but relax after.

"ben." you released a breath, continuing your work. "i think it's the other way round, i haven't seen you in a while." you retorted with an arched brow, expecting him to explain for his sudden disappearance after a few weeks now.

"nah i was just here in the manor, isolating myself in my room as usual, games and all." he leaned on the counter, watching you do your basic work. "why, d'ya miss me that much?" the elf grinned largely, leaning as he tilted his head to get a good look of your face. "don't worry your pretty head off, i'm here now." he cooed, his crimson irises staring.

"whatever makes you happy." you chuckled, flicking water onto his face, the very thing he hated on this earth. you chuckled as he wiped his face dramatically and frantically, floating away as he cussed you out along the way.

you finished doing the dishes now, turning your attention towards the three girls. you watched as lucy and sally loudly conversed on a topic about toys or something. that wasn't really occupying your mind when lazari was in your sights, you noticed how quiet she has gotten recently and it's starting to worry you more than expected.

it wasn't her fault really, you empathised with the demon. it's absolutely common for demons to roam here in the manor but what wasn't common was when lazi was the daughter of the enemy. she must feel out of place, being in a place where people, monsters, creatures look at you oddly in a wary and cautious manner.

like you, you were looked oddly for being an angel here. sure there was judge angel but her name was tainted with her murders and unlikely acts that an angel wouldn't do. it was only a title for her but what you burdened was the real deal, some fate had decided to pick on you, making you reincarnate into an angel of some sort and completely wipe your memories. if that ain't bullying then you weren't sure what is.

"lazari, may i talk to you?" you called out gently though you still managed to startle the demon, clearly she was definitely uncomfortable in this environment and wasn't going to ease in sooner than later.

lucy and sally gave curios stares as lazari nodded, you led the child of zalgo follow you out the house, seeing as the porch was empty and quiet. you leaned on the wooden railing, lazi doing the same, waiting.

you breathed in deeply, "lazari, are you okey?" you started with simple questions, not wanting her to freak out or anything.

though it seemed that question alone made her reluctant to speak but she did anyway, "i'm.. fine." her words didn't really mirror her emotions therefore her reassurance was empty and useless, you didn't believe it at all which made made you glance at her from the side.

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