𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝟏𝟗

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     HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS have passed after you met lucien

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HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS have passed after you met lucien. the manor seemed colder now, you felt as though more pastas were getting very distant with you. since you didn't own a room of your own, preferring to stay awake or go out till the break of dawn, you mainly bunked out in jane and clocky's shared bedroom to play with the children.

though today was different, you laid on EJ's bed. he had invited... well, technically he dragged you to his room and you obliged. he was in his bathroom, doing goodness knows what.

you looked at the clock, it's the middle of the day, the usual time you'd go to the city these few weeks. you stood up from the bed, stretching out to rid of the wrinkles in your outfit.

the doors to jack's bathroom opened, he was seen leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed, grey tee, sweatpants and no mask. he looked unamused, raising a brow at you. "and where are you going?"

"to the city?" you mumbled, looking at him with a confused brow. what's his deal.

he sighed, walking closer to you, "you think i didn't notice?" he frowned, looking down at you as you did the opposite.

"what are you talking about, jack." you replied, narrowing your eyes at the demon before you.

"you're going to the city more often than usual now." his eyes half lidded, like a parent catching their child doing something they shouldn't. though in this scenario, you were not the child and he was not a parent so there was no reason for him to act like this.

"yeah, it was my home, no?" you dismissed, turning to leave. you made it to the door, twisting the handle and pulling the door open before you saw jack's hand above your shoulder, slam against the door.

"there's more reason than the city being your home." he said lowly, you felt his breath going down your neck, leaving you to shiver as his chest was against your back.

your eyes traveled to the tight shut door, looking at where his hand was to see his claws digging into the wood surface, leaving cracks. you pursed your lips, letting go of the knob and turning around to lean on the door.

now, clearly your were stuck between the door and jack so there really was no use running away. the dim room seemed to cast a menacing shadow over the demon, he talked in a quiet yet intimidating voice but this is you we're talking about. it didn't really scare you but you saw his act.

"tell me the truth, y/n." he said, forcing a soft manner as to not pressure you.

"i just want to visit my old home, is there something wrong with that?" you scowled, looking down. EJ's hand moved, going to your chin and lifting your head up so he could look at you, forcing eye contact.

he tilted his head, unamused really. "be a good girl and tell me." he whispered, making you swallow silently.

"the city.. is my escapism... from all of this." you replied, mirroring his tone of voice as your wings slumped against the door, showing vulnerability.

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