𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝟎𝟗

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     THE ROOM WAS DARK and eerie, leaving you to cower in the darkness as it surrounded you, taunting your feared form

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     THE ROOM WAS DARK and eerie, leaving you to cower in the darkness as it surrounded you, taunting your feared form. there were no walls beyond the darkness, the surface you stood on was smooth, concrete and cold. you were in your casual robes though you wore no footwear, the coldness of the flooring sending an unsettling shiver up your spine.

what was happening? you hugged yourself, falling to your knees as you now only realised the absence of your wings behind you. the only luminosity of source being a lightbulb above you, giving a proximate distance of light in a shape of a circle around your cowardly frame, but then again, it was no use when you couldn't see beyond the darkness.

your lips curled into a small frown, you were not fond of this situation, not one bit. the silence seemed to tease you, leaving you on edge for anything you might encounter. the unknown isn't a friend or fiend, not an enemy or an ally. the unknown could treat you like royalty, above kings and queens but within a blink of a eye, it also can thrash you around like something worth even more less than garbage itself, the lowest of the lows.

you shuddered a breath, watching as the smoke dissipates within seconds, revealing how cold the atmosphere here was. you wanted to wail, do something but you felt frozen, you felt that even if you yelped for help, no one would come and save you.

and that was exactly the case when this was all happening in a dreamscape.

"i apologise if this isn't fitting to your liking." a deep and dark voice said, the user appearing from out of the abyss of darkness as the tall and faceless figure fixed his tie.

you stared up at the creature with wide eyes, a thousand emotions running wild, you felt vulnerable and weak, you felt... no, you were in danger. this... being, he had a certain accent to his tone, his voice was smooth and velvety but a tone of malice and evil still rendered beneath the facade, proving you damn well that he could kill you without having to lift a finger.

"i can't really mend your dreams to your preferences when you have no knowledge of who i am." he spoke again, resting his long arms behind his back in a professional manner. "let's get to introductions, shall we?" he quipped quite cheerfully, with soft clap of his hands, you were on your feet.

the atmosphere was still the same but a little
less eerie, though the pressure of his dominance is still very much there. you swallowed a lump of fear down your throat, nodding meekly as a reply.

he hummed with amusement, liking the way you feared him. "my name is slenderman." he introduced, gesturing to himself with his arms before he returned them to rest behind his back. "you don't remember who i am but i remember who you are."

you furrowed your brows at this, hands idly dangling down your sides but you didn't let the confusion delay your answer. you parted your lips, looking up at the slender being, "...my name is y/n..." your voice came out small and quiet, thankful that slenderman had some sort of enhanced abilities so you wouldn't have to repeat yourself.

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