𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜, 𝟎𝟕

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     ANI WALKED BESIDES EJ who really didn't seem to bother with anything, the eyeless demon was too focused in his surroundings, sniffing the air for a scent of any humans nearby

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ANI WALKED BESIDES EJ who really didn't seem to bother with anything, the eyeless demon was too focused in his surroundings, sniffing the air for a scent of any humans nearby.

the two had been walking for some time now, no sounds besides the crunching of snow beneath their shoes. it was chilly, no doubt but it wasn't as worse
as the days before. the cold air nipped at jack's nose, making his skin turn pinkish. it didn't affect him all the much but he couldn't deny the fact that it was a change of temperature.

ani trailed along, fiddling with her hands as she felt the awkwardness sink in, one that EJ didn't seem to notice. as for the cold air, it was something she was used to, especially when her abilities depended on the cold. the weather only enhanced her powers tenfold.

"so um..." ani started hesitantly, earning no reaction from the demon whatsoever, this alone didn't stop her from speaking, she knew how he was so she continued, "what's new today? anything you have in mind for us two?" she asked, indicating what she'd learn. after all, she is a student under EJ, and he was the mentor.

a few seconds of silence passed before the eyeless demon actually responded, though he never faltered in his steps, "nothing new, i'll observe what you can do and see if you have really been learning." he replied.

a small hue of blue crossed her cheeks at the thought of him observing her, to say she hadn't been feeling butterflies in her stomach when she was with EJ was an understatement. he was admirable to say the least, ani was glad slender put her under his teaching, she was, undoubtedly, glad.

"a-alright..!" she squeaked out, bringing her hands to her chest as she gazed at the snow beneath, trying to calm her beating heart. her feelings have grown overwhelming these past few months, she was a new pasta but she definitely fits in well. slender had praised her for her incredible abilities, saying how she'd grow to be a fine creepypasta along with the rest.

EJ on the other hand, he wasn't so pleased ever since slender said he would need to be a mentor. ani was tolerable enough but if he had the option, then he would sit this one out. on the other hand, he was grateful as well. the whole mentor thing could take his mind off things, things being you. it partially worked for the better but ever since the proxies came with unexpected news about seeing sights of you, he couldn't stop thinking about you for a second. his mind was clouded, occupied, busy, filled with you.

he had told himself to not bring his hopes so high for it all could be false and fake hope, but the proxies would never lie. they were skilled and trained humans that were more enhance, under the service of slender, they couldn't have possibly made such a small mistake of assuming you were alive, could they?

no, jack doubted that. if they said you're alive, then you are alive.

his hands moved, placing it firmly against his mask before he unleashed the clips and let the straps fall, bringing away the mask from his face. ani's eyes brightened at the motion but did her best to not act so obvious, she could only afford to steal glances that she hoped jack couldn't see.

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