𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝, 𝟎𝟓

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     LAZARI HUNG THE PIECE of clothing on the coat hanger, raking her hand through her long pinkish hair to get rid of the snow

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LAZARI HUNG THE PIECE of clothing on the coat hanger, raking her hand through her long pinkish hair to get rid of the snow. a deep sigh escaped her lips, the cold and unnerving feeling of the castle welcoming her in an eerie way.

it seemed the tall entrance doors made quite the fuss as stripes appeared quickly after, "you're back." she greeted her younger sister, hands hanging by her side, "you know father doesn't fond over when you sneak out."

the zalgoid child stared blankly, rolling her eyes afterwards, "does it really matter?" she replied, passing by the elder sibling nonchalantly, completely ignoring the frown that adorned her lips.

despite so, stripes followed after lazi, trying to figure out how to approach and lecture her in the softest way she could. "lazi, please," she mumbled, "i don't want you getting in trouble, especially when it's winter." attempting to coax, she frowned seeing as lazi only ignored her. stripes always had a soft spot for the young demon, it was in her instinct and naturalism, especially when she cared and loved deeply for lazari, which is why she could never bring herself to actually scold the child.

stripes received little to no attention, though the small glare lazi gave didn't go unnoticed by the elder's sharp and enhanced eyes. "father never acknowledges my existence, why would he do that now?" the pink haired demon retorted, hugging herself while biting her bottom lip, attempting to stop it from trembling, "i can't even participate in any activities that he holds for you and rake, i'm practically useless."

"that's because he's worried for your being." again, stripes attempted to crack a shell, though that topic was quickly dropped when something else replaced her thoughts. "lazi, there's something you should know as well-"

"if it's more about your speech on why father loves me then i don't want to hear it." the young demon quickly pruned, turning a corner.

"no it's nothing of the sort, it's just-"

"stripes, please, i'm tired."

"lazi if you would just-"

the said demon yawned out, stopping in front of a specific door, her room in particular, "looks like we're here, i'm exhausted." lazi gave a quick but not genuine smile, one that wanted to excuse everything and everyone at the moment. "nice chatting with ya."

with that, she shut the door right in stripes face. a baffled expression took over the elder zalgoid's features, sustaining every muscle in her body to not just rip the door off its hinges. the only thing stopping her from doing so is the reminder that this was lazari, her younger sister.

a hefty sigh left her lips, turning on her heel and leaving the girl alone.

on the other side of the door, lazari could only bore a half lidded stare accompanied by a thin line stretching onto her lips. she knew stripes was only caring for her, lazi was beyond grateful but sometimes she needed time alone, y'know those stages in life where the host gets antsy and whatnot, yeah it seems lazi is going through that said stage.

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