𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝟎𝟔

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    YOU STRODE AROUND the hallways, trying to kill time since a few minutes from now on is the time you'd depart and go to the human city

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YOU STRODE AROUND the hallways, trying to kill time since a few minutes from now on is the time you'd depart and go to the human city. you weren't quite enthusiastic about this whole ordeal, especially knowing that lucy would be left here and supervised by stripes.

it's not as if you didn't have any faith in the demon, you knew she would do greatly in her task from the short amount of time you knew her. it was morally due to the fact that you hadn't spent much time with her to fully comprehend and get a good grasp at her personality and abilities.

even so, stripes herself seemed to be trying her hardest to have the least interactions with you. if you were in the same room with the latter, she would give little to no acknowledgment that your posture was essentially screaming to have a bit of small talk.

not the social type perhaps..?

rake on the other hand, you rarely would catch him present. if he was by any chance in the same room as you, then it would be during a time where your with zalgo. judging by the creature, rake seemed to be the type to purposely exist solely for zalgo himself. this alone didn't cease the silent urge for you to at least interact with the creature, any form of relationships would do other than the one with zalgo and lucy, you were feeling quite sombre and lonely here.

the echoes of attempted covered laughter bounced against the walls, snapping you out of your daze as the glimmer returned to your dull eyes, focusing on ahead. on the walls, casted a shadow of a figure or two.

"curios." you would mumble as you made your way closer, fluttering your wings silently as they were agitated by staying in the same position for a long amount of time.

to be fair, you needed to learn how to use the extra pair of limbs you gained. it has a nice touch to it when it was for show or used to intimidate but beauty without talent is deemed incompetent. besides, being able to fly would be pretty neat and handy.

alas, you made it to the split hallway as you disregard all of your thoughts, focusing your attention on reality. you peaked your head around the corner, eyes concentrated on the source.

two demons... or imps as zalgo said. two imps, servants of zalgo's, who were howling with laughter, clutching their stomachs like they had just witnessed something hilarious.

you would often see imps roaming about the castle, some stood guard as the rest did daily routines. in your opinion, they weren't quite friendly and you doubted they would plan on being friendly. during your walks, the imps would give you harsh glares like you had just committed animal murder, it looked
like they always had something to say about you but didn't because for the most part, you had a connection with zalgo.

you were uncomfortable with them, to an extent you would even say you disliked them. the sight before you could only prove your statement further as your pupils shrunk in shock. then followed the emotion of fury and pure rage, feeling your nails dig into the wall that you used to support your weight.

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