𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐞, 𝟏𝟔

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     THE SKY'S WERE PAINTED with pink and orange colours, a hint of blue present, creating a beautiful canvas

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     THE SKY'S WERE PAINTED with pink and orange colours, a hint of blue present, creating a beautiful canvas. the birds sang in the morning, the tall trees swaying from the light spring breeze that would come by every once in a while. unknowingly to you, today was new year's eve.

you hugged lucy as you rolled around the gravel, wings wrapped around the young girl as she let out a loud giggle. sally and lazari cheered and let out screams of joy, jumping around, chanting 'me next, me next'.

their laughter gave you a sense of serotonin, you couldn't help the smile on your lips brighten, experiencing the mysterious yet delectable feeling. you wished you would wake up like this every morning, spending your free time with these wonderful children.

the rolling had stopped with you on your back and lucy on top of you, your wing unwrapped themselves, letting the young girl sit up straight as she looked towards the other two who had smiles that could compete with one another. she then ran to them, giggling on the way which led you to sit up, watching the children from afar.


you sighed, poor souls. young children who were forced into this life because of a wretched tragedy. it seems when the person dies unjustly, it demands the soul to live on and not rest. that's not fair.

everything's not fair..

does that mean your death was just as unjustified as theirs? of course, you were killed by a demon. you never got to fulfil your lifelong goals or achieved just a little bit of them. now you were stuck in this world, unable to make a positive impact to society but just watch and protect them from physical harm.

though in these times, you did learn that there will always be darkness either way. even if you did purify this earth, even if you got rid of all the evil, there will always be someone, something out there to bring the darkness back.

it wasn't fair.

to purify the world is to get rid of the darkness...

your thoughts were interrupted when someone cleared their throat behind you, you wings slightly flinching in surprise. were you that dazed to the point you hadn't heard footsteps approach you? that could honestly be quite a problem in the future...

you turned your head over your shoulder, a raised brow, curious to see what the day had in store for you.

it was LJ, bearing his small grin that showed his sharp and inhumane teeth. "angel." he smiled sweetly, nodding his head to greet you.

this did pique your interest, it was rare to find LJ talking to you throughout your stay here. it was even rarer to see him out and about in the manor, though you never questioned it.

"LJ, how can i help you?" you let a small smile through, finding his nickname for you slightly amusing. you turned your body, letting the clown demon look at you in the face rather than your wings.

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