𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝟏𝟏

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   YOUR EYES WERE DULL AND empty though your voice of tone seemed to hold your true emotions, your feathers were spread, frizzled in a way due to overwhelming emotions and thoughts

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YOUR EYES WERE DULL AND empty though your voice of tone seemed to hold your true emotions, your feathers were spread, frizzled in a way due to overwhelming emotions and thoughts.

"for heavens sake, don't touch me!" you scowled angrily, your wings managed to knock off expensive objects off tables, shattering them. even so, that didn't seem to concern zalgo. he had asked what had happened, claiming he had smelled the scent of his enemies off you.

"my dear, please." he pleaded with a concerned look, reaching his hand out for you but you brushed it off hardly with a push of your wings, extending even further to make him step back and create distance form you. he was upset, but it couldn't compare to your mood, a small frown on his face.

"stop, just stop." you slightly exclaimed, your shoulders heaving up and down as you took heavy breaths. "i've held it for long enough zalgo, i want to know the truth." you repeated the same statement for about three times now, your brows curled downwards to show your displeasure.

the two of you stood in the main bedroom, where you shared his bed. a hand made its way to your temple, gently massaging out of frustration.

"stop lying, stop placing false hope." you sighed, your vacant eyes trailing to stare into his red ones, "i am forever grateful for your hospitality, forever, but i'm fed up with this absurd puzzle. tell. me. everything." you sneered slightly, your voice came out confident and stern. your wings being lifted off the ground out of habit to make yourself more intimidating in a way.

"i can't do that." he frowned down at you, his long tail swishing side to side out of discomfort. "you would leave.."

"that only proves that you are hiding something." you gritted your teeth, feeling an unknown feeling bubble in your stomach, a feeling that you could only assume was anger. "i might as well leave you now." you claimed with no hesitation, narrowing your eyes.

zalgo seemed to flinch at this, his eyes widened. this was it, everything was falling apart. he eventually knew it would, keeping you here was possible but it wouldn't last long. his mind wandered to places, searching your dull eyes as if that'd solve anything. he swallowed a thick lump in his throat as his face shifted into a neutral and dark look.

"i won't allow that." the demon retorted, a raise of his brow. he now showed less concern, more of a desire in his eyes. you squinted your eyes, never breaking the intense eye contact of a battle.

"you have no authority over me." you bit back, drilling holes into him as you stood your ground. you knew what he was capable of, you knew zalgo has power but fear was something you rarely felt these past few weeks, hell you don't feel emotions like you used to anymore.

"where did you obtain this much knowledge?" he hissed, his tall figure towering over you. "was it lazari?" he raised a convinced brow, within seconds, his figure blurred into a black and out the door, leaving you without waiting for a response.

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