𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝟐𝟒

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(insert Do You Remember banner)

YOU APPEARED IN FRONT of the manor, stripes using you as support, barely able to stand on her two feet. this was a rare sight, to see the demon in such a weak and vulnerable state. she was always tense around you, not making much of conversation back then. now here she leans on your side, barely able to move with tears in her eyes.

she was silent, you opened your mouth to ask her a few things before a loud breaking of glass caught you off guard. you gritted your teeth, wondering what the commotion was about as you helped stripes in front of the door. you eventually slammed it open, the sight before you making your eyes widen in surprise.

there was a lot of blood, a concerning amount. there were a few of the pastas in the room, high on alert as they stood frozen still, unable to move due to... fear.

slender was also present, a few of his tendrils seemed to be bitten off. you gazed at him, now noticing a lazari who was squirming in his tendrils hold, screaming and yelling, doing everything to be released.

you eyes scanned the situation, on the other side of the room, ben was seen crouched besides masky. the proxy's mask was split into half and he seemed unconscious. LJ was limping back, taking cover behind lui who you hadn't be seen for some time now. you noticed the bite mark on the monochrome clown's thigh, teeth marks boring deep into his skin, making him wince.

on the other hand, toby, hoodie and jeff held their iconic weapons just behind slender, ready to strike if anything were to happen.

"..fuck." you hissed to yourself lowly, that notion alone was enough to grab lazari's attention. her terrifying eyes snapped at you, drool dripped from her chin, claws managing to scratch and scar slender's tendrils enough to let the demon go.

the child charged at you, you gritted your teeth, in your line of thoughts, you quickly pushed stripes to the side as lazari knocked the wind out of you after she lunged at you. you landed on your back, just outside the manor on the dirt. lazari towered over your frame, her white sclera's mixing with red made you gulp as she tried to take a bite out of your neck. though you managed to prevent it by holding her shoulders, avoiding a nasty injury.

you struggled, snarls came from the child as she hissed and scratched. "y/n!" the familiar voice of EJ made you grunt, letting out a curse as lazari dug her claws into the left side of your wings joint.

masky was unconscious, meaning he probably didn't have time to tell others about the fresh meat you had brought home yesterday, preserved for only lazari. "jack, get the meat in the fridge!" you yelled, finding the strength as you flipped the positions. you heard the quick footsteps of jack fading as you struggled to keep lazari's hands pinned. her strength was immense and powerful, identical to zalgo himself.

you honestly couldn't believe that the demon actually managed to get a nibble at slender.. it made sense in a way. zalgo was an equal opponent for slender so it undoubtedly would mean the child of zalgo would also inherit that pure strength.

you noticed your right wing oozed dramatically with blood, showing no signs of stopping. this was unfortunate for you in two ways, blood loss and the adding of lazari's intensity to fight back for food.

the girl screamed, thrashing around, going bat shit crazy at the smell of your blood. you almost couldn't hold her down when EJ hovered the fresh meat above the zalgoid child's head before throwing it far. he stepped back, wrapping his arms around your stomach as he pulled you to his chest, you letting go of lazari in the process which made her sprint off to where she smelled her food.

you heaved a weighted breath, placing a hand over jack's that wrapped around you. "are you okey." the demon spun you around, a look of worry in his features.

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