Chapter 1

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"Alex Russo, you are officially the Russo Family Wizard. Congratulations." declared Professor Crumbs. As he said this, Alex could feel her full powers entering her body, she was ecstatic that after all her studying she finally won. All her family congratulated her on her victory, even Justin, who she thought would be upset having lost, was proud of her. This was the happiest moment of her life, until Gorog teleported himself into the arena

"Hello Russo's, bet you weren't expecting me now we're you."

"Gorog, how did you get here? We vanquished you." asked Alex.

"Oh yes I remember, I was almost a goner too. If not for your dear boyfriend Mason, I wouldn't be standing here today."

Everyone turned to look at Mason with shock and betrayal, "Mason? How could you? I trusted you?" asked Alex as she stepped back, away from him.

Mason walked forward trying to close the distance between then, "Alex I'm sorry. I just—"

Justin and Max blocked his path to Alex. "No Mason. You hurt my sister again. This isn't something you can just apologize and look at her with googly eyes to get her to forgive you." Said Justin.

"Alex, are you okay mija?" Her mother asked her, but she couldn't even reply or look at her mother.

"Well isn't this a sad turn of events. Hmmm, oh well. Soon, the wizard world will be mine. I already got rid of the council and most of the powerful wizards except for you guys so...Angels of Darkness. Get them." 

As he said that several of angels of darkness flew at them, Professor Crumbs froze them in place. "Get out of here. All of you. I'll hold them off. And Jerry, take Alex to the safe in the Council Room, she is our only hope now to save this place."

"But Professor Crumbs—"

"GO. NOW." They began to make their way to the council room, but we're suddenly intercepted by more angels of darkness. Justin and Max tried to fight them off, as the others ran ahead. "No! Justin! Max! What are you doing?" Screamed Alex. "Go guys, we'll hold them off as long as possible!" Max screamed back. Jerry and Theresa, pulled Alex towards the Council room. Once there, they barricaded the doors as Jerry opened the safe and pulled out the sacred treasures of the wizard world. "Alex, these are for you. You'll know what to do with them when the time comes. Use them well." Jerry told Alex. "Wait, what do you mean—" but before she could finish asking they heard banging on the doors. "Alex you need to go. Go through the back doors, it's an emergency use portal—"

"But dad I—"

"Go. I love you sweetie, please look after yourself" he said as he pushed her through the portal. When she landed on the other side, she was surrounded by darkness except for a mirror the showed what was happening in the council room. She saw her mother go first then her father, all at the hands of the angels of darkness. "No. No. No! Mom! Dad! Please get up! Noooooo!!!!" She screamed as she fell to her knees.


Alex jumped at the sound of a deep voice asking her this, she turned around and noticed a man dressed in a black cloak and a hood covering his face so all she saw was bright red eyes glaring at her.

"M-my name is Alex Russo. I was just sent here with these items. And told that I'd know what to do with them when the time comes. But I just-I don't know why I've been given these or what I'm supposed to do. My family has just died and I'm all alone now. And-and..." she rambled to him.

"Yes I see. You are now the keeper of the Deathly Hallows. That makes you the new Mistress of Death."

Alex looked up at him in shock, "What? What are the Deathly Hallows? What's the Mistress of Death? And who are you?"

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