Chapter 26

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Alex is laying on Kol's chest resting while his fingers massage her scalp. She sighs and closes her eyes, allowing herself to be even more relaxed. Soon her phone begins to ring, she lazily reaches over and answers it.



"Bonnie? This is...odd. Why are you calling me?"

"I did something—the witches made me do something."

Sensing the stress in Bonnie's voice, Alex slowly sits up against the headboard and says, "Okay...slow down and start from the beginning."

Bonnie takes a deep breath before continuing, "You know that Esther had a back up plan for her death right?"

"Yeah, Klaus and Rebekah told me last night. Esther had another witch continue her work after her death. They trapped all the supernatural beings at the school so they could use Esther's spell to turn Alaric into a vampire to kill her children."

"Right...well, the witch was killed before Alaric could turn, and since he didn't want to be a vampire he decided to not complete the transition...But while I slept the witches led me to where Alaric was and used me to complete his transition."

"So, Alaric is a vampire now."

"Yes, and I need your help."

"With what?"

"Figuring out a way to get rid of him."

"I'm on my way." Alex said before hanging up. She quickly got out of bed to get dressed.

Kol looks at Alex in confusion as she's running around the room trying to get ready. "Um, darling, are you alright? Why are you in such a rush?"

"I need to go back to Mystic Falls. It seems your mother created another weapon to kill you and your siblings."

"Alright then, let's go."

"Uh no. You're staying here."


"I just told you that your mother created another weapon to kill you and you want to go with me to Mystic Falls, where that weapon is currently located. No. I'll be damned if I lose someone else. Especially you."

"Darling...I'll be okay."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do."


"I have you." Alex just looks at him with an indifferent look on her face. "I'm serious. You are the strongest person I know, which is how I know you won't let anything happen to me."

"Just because you flatter me doesn't mean that you've convinced me. It'll still be safer for you to stay here."

"Darling, listen, I'm going with you. Either I come with you now. Or I will just follow you out that door."

"...Fine, Kol. I don't like it, but fine. Just...just please be careful, and just stay by me."

"Of course. I'll never leave your side."

"Thank you. Okay, then, let's go." Alex says, taking his hand before teleporting them both back to Mystic Falls.

When they arrive, she and Kol make their way to the Gilbert house, where Bonnie is. They barely knock on the door, before Bonnie answers it, and drags Alex into the house. "Alex, thank god you're here. Elena is missing and we need to figure out how to get rid of Alaric."

"Why is this bitch here?" Damon rudely asks.

Alex glares at him and uses her magic to give him an aneurysm before finally deciding to snap his neck, knocking him unconscious. Alex rolls her shoulders, relaxing, before saying, "Finally, some peace and quiet. Now, before we begin, could someone Kol into the house?"

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