Chapter 30

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Alex and Kol arrive at a hotel for the night. Upon entering the suite, Kol sighs as he dramatically flops on the couch.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks as she walks over to sit on the couch beside him.

"I'm fine, darling. It's just all this stuff about Silas is a lot. And my siblings just don't seem to understand the severity of resurrecting a guy like him."

"I know. You're just trying to protect your family. So, what are you going to do now? Because you know they're not going to stop. Especially Elena and her friends, with all the 'issues' of her being a vampire has caused their little group."

"I don't have a full plan, but I do intend to stop them from resurrecting him by whatever means necessary."

"Okay, you know I'm here for you right?" Alex says.

Kol turns to fully face her before softly caressing her cheek. "I know, darling. Thank you." He then leans in, softly placing his lips on her before leaning away.

"Of course. Now how about we relax, and maybe get some sleep. It's been a long day."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Kol says as they both make their way to the bedroom. Before laying down, they both change into comfortable clothing. Alex sighs as her body sinks into the mattress, and her eyes almost immediately close. Kol can't help but chuckle at how quickly she fell into bed before gently kissing her forehead and saying, "Good night, darling."

With her eyes still closed, Alex lazily smiles as she replies, "Good night, Kol."

Kol smiles down at her, and soon after lays back hoping to succumb to sleep as well, however, thoughts of Silas's possible resurrection continue to plague his mind. After several minutes, he decides to forgo the thought of sleep and instead pay his brother a visit to hopefully convince him not to resurrect Silas. Not wanting to disturb Alex's sleep, Kol slowly gets out of the bed, placing the covers back over Alex, ensuring she's comfortable before getting dressed to leave.

Upon arrival he knocks on Klaus's door and is greeted by a surprised looking Klaus. "Kol?"

Kol smiles condescendingly at him as he replies, "Niklaus. Hope you don't mind me stopping by."

"Of course not, come on in." Klaus sarcastically says as he opens the door for Kol to enter. "How was your vacation in France?"

"It was good. Alex and I were able to relax away from all this drama here." Kol says as he makes his way into the seating area.

"Speaking of which, how is she? I've been trying to get a hold of her, but she hasn't been answering my calls or texts."

"She doesn't want to see you."

"And why is that?"

"You know why Nik. You faked your death, knowing how the death of her family hurts her still to this day. And not to mention, you told her you're alive at the same time asking her for help with a spell so you could be back in your body. Oh and let's not forget you abandoning me and Rebekah in the van to die knowing that the indestructible white oak stake was still out there, but you still saved your darling Caroline."

"I know I did some things wrong, but I thought she would've gotten over it by now."

"You don't just get over something like that Nik...Your death brought back her nightmares."

Klaus's eyes widened in shock, "I didn't realize."

"Of course you didn't because you were only thinking about yourself."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to Nik."

"But you said she doesn't want to see me."

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