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Okay, just try to remember all the key points Jeongguk taught me

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Okay, just try to remember all the key points Jeongguk taught me.

Hanni couched herself, meticulously walking to her physics class, trying to repeat all the materials she studied the night before, and that very same early morning. She had woken up at six in the morning to cram more time for studying for this exam.

If she got anything lower than a C, it would completely drop her average grade in the class to an unfortunate F. She felt the smarting ache of disappointment burn down her throat, leaving her mouth with the spoiled taste of bile.

She almost wanted to walk slower, dreading this exam, but at the same time, she wanted to get it over with and see how much she had learned that week. She did not want to disappoint Jin, nor did she want to make Jeongguk feel like she did nothing but waste his time trying to teach an unreceptive individual.

She let a sigh depart from her lips, taking a small break from chewing her poor lower lip.

Before Hanni was able to restart her quick revision of all the materials she had been studying, something abreast of her caught her attention.

Her heart stopped beating for a second as she held a quiet gasp in her narrow throat.

She was too immersed in her upcoming exam, that she failed to keep an eye out for Namjoon.

But, it seemed she didn't have his attention.

His attention seemed to be on another girl standing right in front of him.

The glistening afternoon sun bathed in his perfect features, giving his fading lilac hair a perfect silver undertone. He wore that same smile. The charming smile that showed off his precious dimples, a look of admiration pooling in his eyes as he spoke to the much shorter girl.

That was a look Hanni hadn't received from him in months. She couldn't even remember the last time he genuinely smiled at her out of pure love and affection.

The girl's hair was a raven black, locked together in the most gorgeous set of wavy silk-like curls Hanni had ever laid her eyes on. She didn't have to turn and face Hanni just for her to know that she was stunning. Hanni could already see it in her back profile with how dainty and small she appeared.

Hanni put her sweatshirt hoodie over her head, hoping to keep herself hidden from him as she continued her way to class.

That would be almost impossible with Namjoon being six feet, he could practically see just about anybody that was walking around him.

With fast steps, she raced to her physics class, keeping her head low as she gathered her frantic thoughts to try and calm down.

Her stomach clenched, terrified of the idea that he could have seen her walking around mindlessly, completely unaware that he was nearby. She shut her eyes, cringing when she thought about who that girl he was talking to could have been.

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