30. The right words

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The two sat in still silence, their eyes focused on the assignment in front of them that their professor, Jin, had passed out that same day

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The two sat in still silence, their eyes focused on the assignment in front of them that their professor, Jin, had passed out that same day. He moved through lectures quite fast, having his students review a new topic after just a week of review of their former lesson.

This was a topic called fluid dynamics.

A painfully mundane topic, which practically made Hanni fall asleep in class. It took everything in her to keep her eyes open, and to keep her attention on the board.

Seokjin was phenomenal at teaching, it was just the course itself.


She could not fathom taking another class that conducted an advanced level of physics.

Hanni despised the course, but, she had a B minus in the class, her grade increasing from a D minus.

She believed it was all due to the man sitting right beside her in her kitchen— Jeongguk. If he weren't so altruistic with his time, she would be desperately trying to figure out ways to get herself out of retaking the course. Begging her college counselor, likely begging Jin for more opportunities that would raise her grade to at least a C minus.

The skin on her bones trembled at the thought, glancing over at Jeongguk, his pencil moving swiftly as he left behind a trail of smoke, aptly answering all the questions with such grace and diligence.

It was a quick five-set of questions that Jin had them copy down on a blank sheet of paper before class was dismissed, which was due the next time they had the class as one.

Hanni was already on the fourth question, taking her time to answer them.

Jeongguk yawned, his arms stretching out in front of him, his bones groaning.

"You didn't get much sleep?" Hanni asked, keeping her eyes on her work.

"Ah, no." He rubbed his watering eyes, sniffling. "I was up doing homework for Calculus. It was awful."

"Did you get it done?" Hanni asked, proposing a smile.

"I did. I hated every minute of it, though." He rested his elbow against the table, watching Hanni answer the questions. "How's it going for you, over there?" He leaned the side of his head against his fist.

She hummed. "It's okay. I didn't expect myself to be a master at this new topic when we just learned it today. But, I'm not doing as bad as I thought I would."

He exhaled a laugh through his nostrils. "I'm certain you're not doing bad, you just like to downplay yourself. Remember, you were the one that brought your gade from a D minus to a B minus." Jeongguk never failed to remind her of all the hard work she had been applying to her studies.

"You helped." She did not forget to include him, putting her pencil down.

The corner of his lip raised. "You done?"

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