33. Frustration

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The heel of her shoe tapped relentlessly above the floor, her jaw was tense as she ground her teeth, trying to precisely copy everything Jin had displayed on the whiteboard in front of her

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The heel of her shoe tapped relentlessly above the floor, her jaw was tense as she ground her teeth, trying to precisely copy everything Jin had displayed on the whiteboard in front of her. It was the night's homework assignment, a simple five-question assignment to challenge their skills in the lesson they had been learning that week.

Hanni always found herself clenching her fists in physics class, but, she was nearly sitting at the edge of her seat for a completely different reason this time.

She spent her night with Jeongguk the day before, and it was the most content she had been for quite some time. They shared laughs that never seemed to find an end, simply basking in each other's ambiance as they embraced the cold winds that had traces of salt from the large body of water.

Still, something was strange.

There seemed to be something unfamiliar in the air between them. The air they shared was viscous, and anticipating. As if both of them were fiercely skittish for a reason that went unwarranted. It left her with a peculiar sense that granted chills all down her body, marring her perfect skin with rigid bumps.

It was a feeling she hadn't felt in years. She didn't know how to approach him, or how to even speak to him without stuttering like a crazed delusional person.

Everything about him was alluring, every now and then she would steal a glance when he was busy and absorbed in the lecture.

He wore black jeans that accentuated his excellent figure, and a black shirt that hugged his body, snug on his muscular arms, completely presenting the sleeve on his right arm. His hair was let loose that day, a black hair tie on his left wrist just in case he changed his mind, and decided he wanted his perfectly soft hair up and out of his face.

Hanni watched as the pencil — the one she lent him — quickly looped through his tatted fingers, getting lost in his dexterous hands.

Her stomach developed knots that only seemed to pull when she indulged in his exquisite features. She noticed the corner of his lip rise, stopping his movement.

Hanni turned away, blushing, certain he caught her gaping at him like a fool.

Embarrassing. She flagellated herself, removing her attention from him and back to the professor that was speaking in front of the class.

What made matters worse was they had a study session later that evening.

Her face was set ablaze, keeping her attention low on her paper in response to her eyes that blatantly feasted upon Jeongguk as if she were a ravenous carnivore.

"Alright, this is due the next time we see each other," Seokjin reminded his students, "as always, I advise you to take these assignments seriously, though they aren't worth much, it's important practice that could be used for future exams."

As he lectured his students, many of them began to pack their things, keeping an eye on the clock.

Hanni closed her notebook, and put her pencil back into her Totoro pencil case, dropping them both into her backpack that she kept on the side of the table.

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