35. First game

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She moved her uncouth hair out of her face, the wind blowing it in different directions while she searched the field with squinting eyes, scouring for player number nine — Jeongguk's number

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She moved her uncouth hair out of her face, the wind blowing it in different directions while she searched the field with squinting eyes, scouring for player number nine — Jeongguk's number. She used one hand as a shield from the blazing sun, unable to spot him with all the overstimulating things around her.

The people that sat too close for comfort on those spacious bleachers, the squawking voices that drowned out her ability to hear anything, the hot sun that burned her eyes and exposed skin. It was all part of why she typically never joined Jen and Yasu in soccer games — it was too much for her.

Hanni sighed, putting her wandering eyes to rest, giving up trying to find him with all the mix of players that were stretching on the field, preparing for the game.

"So, what suddenly piqued your interest in these soccer games?" Yasu asked from beside her, gently nudging her arm.

Hanni fixed her cap, brushing off her arm. "What piques yours? Jen comes for Jimin, but why do you like coming?" She gave her a challenging glare.

"Hoseok." She crossed her arms over her chest, giving her the blatant truth shamelessly.

"Hanni, it's okay if you're here for Jeongguk." Jen muttered down from Yasu, peeking past her body to direct her comment at Hanni.

"Yeah, you know what you haven't updated us on anything with him." Yasu instantly questioned, her posture stiffened. "Last I heard, you went with him to the beach. But, that was it."

"How long has it been since then?" Jen asked.

"About two weeks and a half." Yasu answered perfectly.

Hanni couldn't tell them much, only because really nothing had been going on between the two of them. Besides the fact that they had their first kiss, that was all that happened. There was no momentum after that day passed, it was quite normal. They studied together, laughed, and shared their thoughts with one another. And that was it.

"Oh," Hanni remembered, squinting her eyes as she looked up from her fingernails. "I don't think I told you guys... we kissed, did I?"

"Wait, wait, when did you guys kiss?" Jen backtracked, leaning further into their small huddle.

"Hanni, you two kissed and didn't tell us?! When did this happen??" Yasu exclaimed, pulling at Hanni's arm as she implored the girl for more elaborate detail.

Hanni laughed, always favoring their responses and reactions whenever something between her and Jeongguk escalated to more intimate levels.

"It was after our trip to the beach," She explained.

"Where?! Oh, was it outside the apartment? When he dropped you off?" Yasu demanded more, nearly gaunt from lack of detail.

"Was it in a romantic setting?" Jen questioned further.

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