Chapter 28

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Some food, and a few classes to himself, and (F/N) was thinking more calmly than he was when he was marching to the headmaster's office. He questioned his current reality at that moment, and pondered what he could really do to change it. Ever since he came to Kuou, he got to see his sister again, dealt with former acquaintances, and found himself a home in a new country. All of this possible after making a deal with the Devil to continue living. He's made friends, and he's gotten closer to a girl he really likes. Not to mention, throughout the entire time he's been with the Rider, he's never had the urge to try and get rid of him; he simply rolled with the punches, played the hand he was dealt, kept going despite the consequences of his actions. And while there were some obvious time-management problems, there were benefits! He couldn't die, any wounds would be healed (though not as effective as Asia's healing), and he didn't have to pay for gas!

No matter what had happened, (F/N) felt he was stuck with the Rider, unless he was to undo the deal he made with the man on the bridge. Could I really go through being without the Rider?

You make it sound like we're a married couple, the Rider spoke, snapping (F/N) from his current train of thought, as they were leaving school. (F/N) didn't realize he was thinking to himself that question.

Well the whole thing of 'till death do us part' seems to be accurate at the moment, (F/N) replied as he walked up to his locker to switch out shoes.

So it would seem, the Rider replied. You seem to think making a deal with the Deceiver is a good thing.

Is it a bad thing?

It is, the Rider assured. He is evil. Deception is his forte. He only cares about total dominion. No one, not even the Hell Knights, could stop him.

And you think you are able to beat him? There was a small pause between the two as (F/N) tied his shoes.

I will not be deceived again, the Rider said. I will kill him for sure.

And what will happen when you do? (F/N) asked, standing straight and closing his locker door.

Back to business as usual, the Rider answered. There are more guilty out there who deserve punishment.

So we're going to continue being partners. Still see some benefits.

If you were chosen by the Spirit of Justice, or chosen by me if I were free, then you would have the benefits you seem so proud of. But since I was bound to you by the Deceiver, that means that you forfeit your soul to him. (F/N) stopped for a moment when he heard that he had forfeit his soul in return for this power. You are bound by contract to do his bidding, and should you die you would be unable to move on to the afterlife. Not even Devils can revive you.

"I'm without a soul?" (F/N) muttered to himself. "And all those times where I would've died."

No Heaven, no Hell, no Purgatory. The Rider's words sent chills down (F/N)'s spine, and his recent activities involving near-death situations, even the situations where he did, technically, die, became more clear to him. But do not be afraid, since you're basically immortal. Either myself, or the Deceiver, will be able to bring you back to life.

What makes you so sure? (F/N) asked as he resumed his walk to his bike.

If the Deceiver decided to spare you a horrifying death, and bind me to you, then there is a chance that he has a use for you. He doesn't simply leave loose threads.

So I just do a job for him, get my soul back, and then...

I disappear, and you return to your 'normal' life. (F/N) thought to himself for a moment, rethinking his current situation between him and the Rider. A bounty hunter, as (F/N) thought for himself, for a man. One job, and he gets what he wants, but if situations like before were to happen again, he wouldn't be able to wake up and greet his sister.

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