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At school...

Freen was seemed very sad for two days. Didn't even talked to becky. And becky being a introvert who doesn't like to talk a lot. Freen is the one who always talks and becky just likes to listen to her.

" Is there a problem freen.?" Becky softly asked.

Freen turned to her and tears started to come out of her eyes. It's like tears were just trying to come out and a door was stopping them and becky just broke the door.

Freen said." I was waiting for you to ask me that for 2 days."

" I am sorry. You know I don't like to talk a lot. But this time I wanted to try cause you are really looking sad."

Freen hugged becky who was standing infront of freen who was sitting on the bench.

" It's that... My phi came to visit us but she didn't talk to me much. I think she doesn't like me." Freen said.

"Freen! She didn't talk to you does it means she doesn't love you. May be something was bothering her. Did you tried to communicate?"

" No I thought..."

"See! May be she thought you don't like her that's why she didn't talk to much."

"Humm! I will try next time."

" Come on don't be sad. Or else the tickle monster will come." Saying that beccky did a gesture with her hands like she is going to tickle freen.

" Tickle what?" Freen still sad said..

" Tickle monster...!" Saying this becky jumped on freen and started tickling her so much that freen started laughing like crazy.

Seeing her like this becky also laughed....

" I never laugh like this." Freen said to becky wiping her own tears from so much laughing.

" What are you saying you always laugh..."

" No! This time I really laughed...." Freen's smile went away for sometime and she seriously looked into becky's eyes. Becky also looked back..


Back at office.

" Mon is on my team." Jim said.

" No she is mine! " freen said.

" She could be yours but she is in my team..."

Sam and jim sat facing each other and mon and yhe stood far away looking at them.

" It's looks like their gonna fight." Yhe said.

" What?" Becky confusingly asked.

" Who do you think is going to win this fight....?"

"I don't want them to fight. Specially not over me."

" This is really unusual"

" What is this really that unusual.?"mon asked.

" Yes. I am here since this company started I never saw fighting over anyone. Specially over a intern."

Mon looked at them with very scared eyes...

And the stearing fight between sam and jim already started......

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