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After sam get to cool down jim. She sent jim to get her some milk bubble tea for her and mon.


Jim at cafe.

" What does she think she is? She asked me to bring her coffee. Well it's for the best since everyone in the office reminds me how single I am." Jim was talking to herself and walking with the milk bubble tea in her hand.


" Aww! This hurts" all of her milk bubble tea flew in the air.

She seemed to collided into someone. when she looked at the front to she whom collided with. Her eyes came out of her head.

" So handsome.!" She said slowly.

" What?" A handsome man infront of her said.

" I am sorry" jim replied.

" I am the one should be sorry. It's seems like I spilled all of your drinks. "

" It's okay. I can just buy another one. I own a company and we are in a coffee shop.) Jim said but quickly regretted because it seemed like bragging.

" Oh! But I should buy you new ones since it's my mistake."

The man bought her drinks. Then they walked out together.

" Umm... So bye." The man said.

" Yeah!." Jim said.

" One sec! I can give you ride.."

" Ah! I..." " Okay. You have a car?"

" Although I don't own a company. I do own a car." Then he laughed.

" Ahh. I actually own many cars. Ahhh! No sorry. I shouldn't. What do you do?"

" I do commission works."

" Okay what kind of commission work?"


" I am sorry I was just curious."

" No no it's okay. It's just a beautiful lady is asking me about work yet I don't even know her name."

" Oh! I am martha . But my friends call me jim. Here's business card." Jim handed him a business card.

Then they both got into the car.

After they reached office.

The car stopped infront of the front gate.

" So this is the company you own?" Said the man while opening the car door for jim.

" Yeah! You didn't told your name."

" It's type."

" Hi type."

" Hi."

" Now bye type. I am gonna be late."

" Aren't you the boss?"

" Yeah I am. But I co- own this company so I got another boss."

" Oh!"

" Also need to deliver this drinks too."

" Okay bye."

" Call me."

" Sure I will."

Jim went inside the company smiling from ear to ear.

The man in the car recived a call.

" Hello khun nita."

( What happened about my commission?)

" We found someone who is best for your commission. He have committed 5 murders yet he never been caught. He lives in Mumbai too."

( Perfect. But my name shouldn't come into this.)

" Don't worry!"

(Oh! Another thing. Finish my commission befor I have to go back to India.)


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