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" mon?  Look at me?" Sam said.

" What?" Mon angrily looked at sam.

" Why are you like this? Are you mad at me or something?" Sam asked.

" Can't you see?"

" What did I do now?"

" Ask yourself."

" Mon? If there's something just tell me. I don't have time for guess game. I thought you would like that I am being fun now."

" That's the problem."

" Huh! It's problem that I am being friendly now."

" Yeah! You think?"

" What's with this attitude mon?"

" You're the one to talk?" Mon stood up and looked at sam.

" Okay what I did wrong I am sorry about it. But atleast tell me which part is wrong. So I could fix that."

" You're being friendly with your stuff. So they thought you're flirting with them." Mon looked away.

Sam with a smile said" are you angry because I was flirting with? Or are you angry because I wasn't flirting with you?" Saying this sam came closer to mon and leaned towards mon.

Mon now was in a tough position. Her anger was melting away and she started blushing. She couldn't control her smile.
Her chicks become red like tomatoes.

" Khun sam this is way too close." Mon then pushed sam a bit.

" Now that's out of the way. Let's buy you a milk tea. And let's go." Said sam with a smirk.


In school.

" So what should we do?"

" Freen! We are in the middle of the class." Becky quickly stopped freen and concentrated on the class.

After that freen always gets time to ask becky about any plans.

" Freen you have to stop you already asked me three times.  I need to think before making any decisions."

" Okay let's just go to my sister's house and see what we can do."

" Okay."


At the evening when sam and mon returned to their house they were surprized to see freen and becky waiting for them.

" Becky what are you doing here?" Mon quickly got off the car and held becky's shoulders.

" I came here to see you!" Becky hesitantly said.

" I also came here to see you." Freen said with a smile.

" Oh! Does your parents know. They will worry... Let's just go inside I will inform them. " Mon took them inside.

While for sam she just went inside with out saying a word.

"My sister still didn't talk to me so I guess everything is normal then.." freen saying this went inside.

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