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" everyone thinks sam is really self oriented person. A close person. But that's not true. She shares everything with me." Grandmother now put her hands on mon's head.

" She told me about you. About you your first day at her company. How beautiful you are. She wanted to be friends with you so bad. She wanted to know you more. And after she got into a fight with her best friend jim. She told me from that day. She knew that she wanted you. She wanted to marry you. And when I was sick she told me you were ready to marry her. I was so relieved........ "

After hearing all of that. Grandmother still went on about how much sam loved her. But in mon's mind she only thought" khun sam loved me from the beginning. Why didn't she told me. If she genuinely told me that I would've said yes to her. But why did she neede to lie to me?"

" Khun sam lied to me....."

At the dining table mon sat with others. Freen was sitting right beside her.
Sam now started to sarve.

There were so many foods. Sam cooked all of that only for mon. And also her favourite prawns.

" Here's your favourite prawns" sam said with a smile in her face.

" That's new. A smile on our lill bunny..." Sam's father Said that with surpriseing face.

"Father...!" Sam looked at her father with big eyes. Then turned wto mon again with a smile.

" Thank you khun sam but I don't want it." .

Everyone was surprised.

" What are you doing? P' mon if phi  cooked that. Why are you refusing it?" Freen said being afraid.

" Well it's okay if she doesn't want this today. May be she will like this." Sam brought out another dish.

But mon refused that tooo.
So sam brought another dish.
And mon refused to eat that too.

" Mon. I cooked all of the dishes today. So are you not going to eat today." Sam said.

" I am not feeling like eating today." Mon said with serious face.

" Well if you are not feeling like eating today. Then don't eat. It's okay to skip a meal once in while. Also one should not stuff themselves with food when they are not feeling it. " Sam's grandma said with a straight face.

"Grandma.!" Sam looked at Grandma.

" Mon if you can go. And take some rest." Sam's mom now spoke.

Mon quietly left.

Sam looked at her mother then grandma.

" Well don't just stand there. Go after her...." Grandmother said.

Sam took some food with her and went behind mon.

" Everyone it's show time. I trained mon. So now she knows how to be a line handler." Grandmother said while sipping to her juice glass.


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