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Jim was working on some documents in sam's house.

**Phone rings**

" Hello."

( P'jim it's freen.)

" Oh! It's been a long time. How are you.?"

( I am fine. How are you?)

" Don't ask. I was good until you sister made me work."


"Tell me about it. "

( I always knew you are more cool then my sister.)

" Enough with the buttering tell what's you deal."

( Can I and one of my friend hang out at your place.)

" Yeah but I not at my place. I am at your sister's house."

( Why?)

" Well it's because I place had some problems. I have plan why not you teo come here."

( Oh! I need to take my sister's permission then ans she won't give it to me.)

" Don't worry you're my guest and you'll have your sister -in - law"

( Okay.)

Jim and freen were close. Since college sam stopped bringing friends to her house. But jim sometimes tagged along with her. Sam didn't like it though but jim wasn't someone who takes no for an answer.

That's when she mate freen. She was playful, joyful.and filled with a bright smile. exact opposite of sam. But soon they also became close. Since sam didn't paid any attention to her surroundings she had no idea. Freen sometimes hang out at jim's place. Sometime freen went to her when she was sad. Even if she felt lonely. In true meaning jim was the big sister freen wanted.


Freen came to sam's house. Becky also came with her.
Mon welcomed them with a smile And some snacks. Sam was busy working but she didn't said anything against freen staying.

" So mon why don't you make some pasta for us. Please." Jim said.

" Okay. I will be back soon. " Saying this mon left the room where they were sitting.

" P'jim there's a secret. Do you know that
P'mon...." Freen was about saay something but jim stopped her saying

" What? You two's sister is married. Yeah I figured that out a few week ago. They are not good at hiding. I saw their matching wedding rings. Today when I snooped around sam's room I saw some wedding photos."

" How are you not dead yet?" Freen was surprised that someone went through her sister's things yet they are standing still.

" Ahhh! I am immune to sam."

" So what did they say when they learnt that you know?" Becky asked excitedly.

" Ummm. Sam kinda knew that I know. We know each so well we know each others every move. So I didn't needed to confront her." Jim said.

" Ohhh! Good friends don't invite friends to their wedding right?" Becky sarcastically said.

" Aaaah. I need to confront her about that." Saying this jim stood up and approached towards sam's room upstairs.

**Knock. Knock**

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