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Sam went to mon's parents house but they weren't home.

So she asked the neighbours about them. But they had no clue.

One said " I thought they left one or two weeks ago. Since the dog wasn't barking anymore. And when I went to look they were actually gone."

" Mon where are you. I already lost grandma I can't lose you." Sam said. The tears seems to forgot how to stop. It keeps flowing from sam's eyes.

Sam talked to all of mon'z friends and relatives. Yet no news of them.

" They can't just disappear into thin air." Sam said.

" FU*K YOU. UP THERE. FU*K EVERYONE." sam sceared in pain.

" WHAT DO I DO NOW? what do I do? Where should I find you?" Sam stood on a side of a high road. She kept kicking her car. Then sat down.

" Mon why did you came to my life. And then go away when I need you most." Sam cried.

Remembering the time they came here.

" Mon why did you bring me here? To show me sunset?" Said sam really interested.

" No. Just wait. Don't you believe me?" Mon said with a smile.

" ...." Sam just sighed.

" Then wait."

" How long?"

" Umm...., 30 minutes." Mon looked at her watch.

" Okay you got 30 minutes if I am not impressed I'll do you in the car right here."

" Khun sam.." mon widened her eyes.

The 30 minutes spend in a blink of eye. When sam saw that the sun already set. Now slowly slowly lights started to lit up one by one. It looked like someone was turning on the cristmas lights on.

The whole city lit up into something sam never saw before.

" Wow. I lived my whole life here. I never saw this." Sam said being too amazed.

Mon just looked at sam and smiled.

" Why are you smiling?"

" Looks like you're impressed."

" Very. But taht doesn't mean I am not gonna do you it's just not here. But st home.."

"Khun sam..."

Hearing this sam laughed loudly. The sound of their laughter still lingering through the air.

Suddenly the it was dark again and the whole city lit up again like cristmas lights one by one.

The car passed by. The soft air blew sam's hair.

Every car in the road was in a hurry. But sam sat there watching the lights. And Letting the cold air blow her hair.

Usually in this time sam goes home with mon. Driving through this very road in hurry. Because they have to reach home. And then take a shower together watch movies or sam doing her data analysis of her company.

But today sam has no where to be. After shearing for her whole it's like she just sat there to take some rest. But the cold air the blinding lights of the city, the passing by cars still mocking her.


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