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Next day sam woke up earlier then everyone and left her home to find mon.

Sam first went to her own home. And sure enough the whole house was like before mon move in. The clothes from closet were gone. everything she own she took them with her.

" Mon. You took everything you own. Why didn't you think about me. I was one of the things you own. Why did you left me behind." Said sam looking at her picture of mon in her phone.
Then she lied on the floor and saw something under the couch.

She slowly took it out to discover it's a pendent sam gifted mon when they went to a mall  together for the first time..

" Mon you can buy anything you want." Sam said while looking through the whole mall.

" And who is gonna pay for that?" Mon said laughing.

" I am, of course." Sam looked at mon confused.

" No. I can't take money from you. I work now so I can pay for myself.thank you."

" You take salary from me. That's my money too."

" It's different. I did work to earn that money."

" Well. If that's the case than you can do some work for me to get more money."  Sam said with a smirk.

" Like what." Mon asked.

Sam just gave a sweet smile.

Anyways they started shopping.
Once mon selected two dresses. But couldn't choose between them.

" What seems to be the problem mon?"

" I don't which one to buy." Mon said with a fed up sad face.

" Just buy bith of them." Sam said and then started looking for other clothes.

" It's 1000 bhts for each of them." Mon whispered.

" Just put them in you busket." Sam took the dresses and threw them to a busket a employee of the mall was carring.

After that sam bought every item mon looked at. Even if she just held it for a moment.

After seeing such behaviour mon was scared to look at any expensive things.

But her eyes caught on a simple butterfly pendent. She looked at the pendent for a while it wasn't that expensive. But it was out of her budget that day. Since mon didn't wanted sam to pay for anymore thinks she didn't even picked it up to have a look. Instead she left.

But somehow sam noticed that at bought it in silence.

But when they first time finished their 'mission' sam gave that to mon.

And also the next time when sam and mon accomplished their 'mission' sam the necklace off from mon's neck with her own hands but somehow forgot.

Back to present.

" Looks like she forgot you too." Sam held the pendent close to her heart and started crying.

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