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After a long discussion mon's call ended.
When she came back she saw becky and sam wasn't talking to each other and looking in a different direction.


After two days sam and mon still living together. sam now grew a little bit closer to mon. Sam some times cooks fro mon. Even cleans the dishes.mon also does the same. They both goes to office in the same car. Sam now tries to take care of mon very much. Even if something as little as milk tea. Sam remembers everything. Mon also feels much closer to sam. .

After that day in the office sam tries to avoid any kind of flirting in the office. Also keeps her clam.

Everyone in the office now knows that sam isn't that stone cold boss she used to be.

It was going smoothly for sam and mon until sam got a call in her office.

" What happened?" Mon asked to yhe.

" Someone called. Now she is like this. " Yhe said.

" May be it's her hasband wants a divorce." Blondie said.

" Not possible...." Mon said and then understood what she just slipped out.

Both blondie and yhe looked at mon. Then looked back at sam.

Sam was sitting in her office but the door was opened. So everyone outside could see everything.

Sam walked back and forth in her office. Then worriedly tried to read a book. Then again looked at her computer. Then again at the book. Then again at the computer and then end up throwing away the book. Which scared everyone.


That day everyone walked around the office with life in their throats. No one knew what will happen if they crossed path with sam.

Sam was sitting in the cafeteria near the office.

Mon came with a milk tea. And pass it to sam.

" Khun sam. Here" mon said.

" Thanks!" Sam said smiling and sipping teh drink.

" So ! Is there something bothering you?"

" Yes! There is."

" Tell me!"

" You won't understand."

" Just tell me." Said mon in a cute tone.

" Okay. Today... Umm... Someone called."


" My ex! My ex- girlfriend called." Saying this sam took a long sip and then looked at mon like she's almost teared up.

" Oh! Who's that?"

" It's... Nita."

" Nita?"

" Yeah. I had a small relationship in college. Then we had to break up couse she was moving to india.  Then we still kept touch. She even invested in my company. Now it's time for annual board directors meeting and she is here." ..

" You're ex girlfriend! Why is she here?."

Mon was surprised to learn that nita was sam's ex girlfriend. But also surprised because she never mentioned it to her. But rather then being confused she was angry.

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