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Sam came in and mon stood up to greet her.

" Good evening boss."

" Please don't be so formal."

" Whata are you doing here khun sam?"

" I thought I would wait for your reply. But I was impatient. My grandma's health was decreasing. We need to make some quick decision." Sam worriedly said.

" But khun sam marriage is a huge of me. Loving another woman is a big deal. People still doesn't allow this kind of relationship. Does your grandma approve of these kind of relationship.?" Mon said.

" Yes! She told me. When I asked her what if I don't like guys.? She answered it doesn't matter as long as there's love."

Now mon have to way of denying this.

" But what about my parents?"

" You can leave that to me."

Said sam.

On the other and khun sam's friend krik came to mon's parents house and showed them a briefcase filled with money.

"My parents would never agree to this." Mon confidently said.

" They already agreed. Here! Krik just massaged me."

" KHUN SAM! " Mon quickly stood up and ready leave.

At that time sam suddenly pulled her hands and said " just do it for my grandma.  She is not gonna leave that ling hardly six months or a year. After that I won't stop you. I promise"

" But marriage isn't like that. Khun sam loving another woman is different"

" I am not asking you to love me. Just marry me to make my grandma happy. That's all."

" You mean a loveless marriage!?"

" Not a marriage! A contract of some kind."

Mon was getting angry already and this reply made her angry. She jerked off sam's hand and left.

" I will pay you" sam shouted.


" Is she mad. Doesn't even know how to talk. Becky was right she is a horrible person." Mon said to herself.

But the other part of her said," maybe try this. You don't have to do this for money or khun sam's grandma. Just do it for khun sam. She seemed really sad before. But now she's trying so hard. She is older than me and my boss. Her begging like that doesn't look good. "

Mon was stuck between ther mind and her heart.

But in the end her heart won. Mon ran to khun sam's car. Khun sam already was in the car. Mon went to the car and knocked on the window.
Sam opened the window.
" I am ready to marry you but we have to set some ground rules.

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