Chapter 25-Rude Kid and the Vents

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Newt's POV

After we were done eating, a guard led us through the building and to the room we were supposed to sleep in. The guard opened the door and we entered the room. Bunk beds were fixed to the wall and also were in the middle of the room.

"I got top bunk," Frypan said and went to climb the ladder but Minho pulled himself up and sat on the bed.

"Too slow," he teased Frypan.

"I could get used to this," Winston said as he lay down on one of the beds.

"Yeah, it's not bad," I said as I inspected the room. The door closed and locked behind us and Thomas and I turned around.

"What do you think those guys want with Teresa and Y/n?" Thomas asked me suddenly.

"Now, if there's one thing I know about those girls, is that they can take care of themselves," I tried to comfort him even though I was very worried for Y/n. "Don't worry about it," I told him and climbed up the ladder and laid on the bed.

Some time later we heard the door open and Y/n entered the room. She watched the door close and lock behind her. When she turned around I saw how pale she looked, I quickly climbed down and crossed the room.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked her and scanned her for injuries. She gave me a funny look.

"I'm fine, they just had to run some more tests. Teresa will be back soon I think," Y/n said and reached up to brush some hair out of her face, her hand shook. I reached out to grab both her hands in mine and rubbed them softly.

"I'm fine, Newt!" She snapped suddenly and ripped her hands free. I let her and I watched her carefully. She froze and shot me an apologetic look, "Newt, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just really tired."

"It's okay," I told her and hugged her gently. "Come on, let's get some sleep."

I started to lead her back to the bed I'd chosen but she pulled her hand loose.

"I'll just wash my face," she said and headed to the sink to splash it. She jumped suddenly and gripped the side of the sink.

"Y/n?" I asked and moved closer to her, she didn't seem to hear me. I put my hand on her back and she jumped again and turned to look at me.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked her again.

"Newt, I'm fine. I promise," she said with a forced smile.

Thomas sat up, "Y/n, can you tell us exactly what happened after you went with that doctor?"

Y/n frowned but answered anyway, "Well we walked down some corridors and then we stopped at this door..." she trailed off suddenly, "Wait, no we didn't, we went to some other lab and they did some more tests on us...wait," she stopped again and reached up to rub her temple. "No, I was told to go in the room that had that door," she paused again, thinking hard. I shared a look with Minho. Y/n laughed suddenly and I whipped my head back to her. "What am I saying? We followed the doctor to the other lab and she and some other doctors did some tests and then they let me come back here but they wanted to run some more tests on Teresa. Yes, that's what happened," She finished.

"Y/n, I think we should get you some sleep, come on," I gently led her back to my bed and I climbed up the ladder. She followed me up and then kicked off her shoes. One nearly hit Thomas in the head and he grumbled in annoyance. Y/n laughed and moved closer to me, we carefully arranged ourselves to make sure she didn't fall off the bed. I pulled one of the blankets over us and Y/n snuggled against me. I reached one of my hands up and ran it gently through her hair to help her fall asleep, which she did surprisingly quickly. I relaxed then, and let sleep pull me under as well.

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