Chapter 85-Hey Kids! Kidnapping is Fun!

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Warnings: kissing, kidnapping, threats, blood, pain, decapitation mentions, angst

I waited with the others except for Thomas as we waited for him to lure Teresa back. I leaned against the wall next to Newt and stared at him. We had spent the day catching up on lost time. Now, with only a few hours until midnight, my anxiety was making me feel like I was being wound tighter and tighter with every passing minute. He looked at me after a moment.
“What?” he asked.
“Are we dating again?”
Newt looked startled. “I thought we were? Do you not want to?”
“I do want to. You just didn’t ask me.”
Newt rolled his eyes and leaned over to kiss me quickly. My lips tingled in response.
“Could you not?” Gally pleaded. “It’s like the Glade all over again.”
“Could you shut up?” I snapped, Newt shushed me because Thomas came around the corner.
He hid for a moment with us, Teresa came rushing into the room. She stumbled around, looking both ways down the corridor. She stopped and sighed. Thomas walked out behind her and she slowly turned around.
“Thomas? You shouldn’t be here. If Janson or Coralie finds out you’re here,” she stared at him.
“I know, I just had to see you,” Thomas took a step closer. “I wanted to ask you something.”
“Ask me what?”
“Do you regret it? What you did to us?”
Teresa hesitated and looked away for a moment, “Sometimes.”
“Good,” Thomas nodded, Teresa frowned at him. “Good,” Thomas’s eyes flicked to Gally, who came up behind her and put a bag over her head.
I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Newt nudged me and I swatted him lightly. We brought Teresa quickly through the streets. We went past a gift shop and I stopped and looked through the window.
“What are you doing?” Alex hissed.
I used my ability to disable the alarms and unlock the door. I grabbed a box, white and gold wrapping paper and a matching bow. I vanished them into wherever they went when I used my summoning ability and reset the alarms and locked the door.
“What are you planning?” Alex demanded as we kept hurrying down the streets. Newt was glued to my side.
“Phoenix’s wedding present,” I replied.
“Wait, what? She got married?”
“To the Wolf. She’s a widow now. I promised to get her a gift months ago.”
“Something tells me this isn’t a regular wedding present,” Alex said.
“Nope, it will distract her, though, and keep her focused on me.”

We finally reached where we’d planned to interrogate Teresa. An empty church. We sat Teresa on a chair and sat down. Gally pulled the back off her head. Teresa whipped her head around to look at all of us. Her eyes hovered on me and glared coldly at her. Her eyes moved off me and she froze.
“Gally?” she looked back at me.
“I’m not doing an illusion,” I said before she could ask.
“Here’s how this is gonna go. We’re gonna ask you some questions, and you’re gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We’ll start off simple. Where’s Minho?” Gally asked.
“You guys don’t seriously think—” Teresa looked at Thomas.
Gally grabbed a chair and sat down right in front of her. “Don’t look at him. Why are you looking at him? Look at me. He’s not going to help you. Now, we know you have Minho in the building. Where?”
“Sublevel three,” Teresa answered. “With the other immunes.”
“How many others?”
“I can make that work,” said Brenda, who was counting cards.
“No. No, you guys don’t understand. The whole level’s restricted. You can’t get in without a thumbprint ID, not even Y/n’s electrical ability would work,” Teresa looked back at me.
“That’s why you’re gonna come with us,” Thomas finally said, his eyes fixed on her.
“Well, I don’t know. We don’t necessarily need her. Right? Not all of her. We just need her finger,” Gally grabbed a scalpel and started towards her.
“Gally, back off,” Thomas said, getting up.
“What, are you squeamish? I guarantee you she’s done a lot worse to Minho.”
Thomas walked forward and took the scalpel from Gally, “That’s not the plan, back off.”
“It won’t make a difference. Do whatever you want to me. You still won’t get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the—” Teresa was cut off.
“We know. We’re tagged. Property of Wicked. You’re gonna help us with that, too,” Thomas offered her the scalpel.
“And if I refuse?” Teresa stared at him.
“Then, I get to use my ability to force you to do it. And if you still continue to resist, I will rip your mind apart for information and we make another plan,” I smiled sweetly at her.
“Fine,” Teresa sighed.
Newt got his removed first, I hovered nearby to watch Teresa’s every move.
“I was told you were gone. That you were completely Corrupt,” Teresa said suddenly.
“Almost, I have until midnight. Then, world domination,” I let sparkles fly from my fingers. Teresa just stared.
“Y/n, we talked about this,” Alex complained.
Newt hissed as Teresa gripped the tiny device with tweezers. My nails dug into my palm as I tried not to react. Teresa finished and looked at me.
“Your turn,” she started towards me.
“Nikolai removed mine months ago,” I said.
Teresa went to start on the others. Alex healed the back of Newt’s neck and he came over to me. Newt sat down next to me and offered me his hand. I noticed it shook slightly and slipped my hand into his with a sigh. Pain exploded in my head and the Wraith appeared on her throne.
“Tick tock,” she said.
I jerked awake, Newt cradled me. Alex knelt down next to me.
A painful headache throbbed and I whimpered, Alex quickly relieved it with his ability. Newt brought me closer and I let myself bury my face.
“What did you see?” Alex asked gently.
“The Wraith,” I answered, “You should all go while you can. Get a head start in case I can’t die.”
“Y/n, you can’t do this alone,” Alex replied.
Newt held me tighter, wrapping his arms tightly around me.
Newt couldn’t go. He needed the serum Wicked kept. I was going to save Newt whether he liked it or not.
“You’re right,” I sighed and stood up.
Teresa started taking the tag out of Thomas’s neck. A moment later, raised voices caught my attention.
“You don’t believe me?” Teresa asked. She sounded hurt.
“Do you really expect me to?” Thomas demanded. “You made your choice.
“What’s going on?” I asked. Gally walked over next to me.
“Nothing,” Thomas said. “We’re done.”
Thomas walked off. A clatter caught my attention. Teresa’s hand was reached for a scalpel covered in Thomas’s blood.
“Nice try,” said Gally. He had his hand clamped around her wrist.
He started leading her away. Her hand closed around a bloody tissue. I frowned after them for a moment. It was just a tissue. It wouldn’t harm anyone.
I turned to look back at the others and caught Newt’s eye. He gestured for me to come, so I did. He led me into one of the side rooms. I noticed he was carrying one of the guard uniforms we’d stolen earlier.
“I might need help with the strap things,” he said and pulled off his shirt.
I blushed and looked away. I caught a glimpse of the black veins that were going up his arm. I turned around and looked at the wall.
Several moments later, I felt him kiss my neck lightly. I turned around and helped him buckle up the light armour the guards wore. Newt watched me the entire time. I finished the last one and took a deep breath to steady my hands and heart. He tilted my head up and I stared into his eyes. He leaned forward to kiss me but someone knocked and the door opened. Newt’s lips were centimetres away from mine. He made a face and turned to look. Alex entered the room.
“This is packback, for that time you walked in on me and Nikolai,” he told me.
“I hate you,” I said and used my ability to lightly push him back outside and close the door.
Alex couldn’t open the door again. Newt touched my face, drawing my attention back to him. His hands were warmer than normal. I reached up and put my hand on his forehead.
“You’ve got a fever,” I mumbled, Newt’s eyes were half closed. He leaned towards me.
“I don’t care,” he kissed me softly, so softly.
I felt tears slip down my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him harder. He pushed me back until I collided with the table in the room. He helped me up and onto it. We broke apart, breathing hard. I leaned forward to hug him.
“I love you,” I whispered in his ear.
“I love you too,” he whispered back.
Someone knocked on the door loudly. I flicked my hand and it swung open. Gally glared at us. I didn’t bother to stop holding Newt. Gally’s gaze softened.
“Time to go,” he said quietly and went back out.
I swore under my breath.
“Listen,” Newt said. “It’s gonna be okay.”
I don’t believe you.
“I know.”
Newt helped me down and I slid my hand into his. I tensed, I could feel his ghost.
“I’ll be out in a moment,” I told Newt. He hesitated, but I lightly pushed him towards the door.
He let go of my hand and went out, shutting the door being him.
“Hey, ” I said, turning around.
“Mon ange,” Élliot said.
I took a couple of steps towards him. “Look, Élliot—”
“It’s okay, you and Newt.”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
Élliot gave me a pained smile and vanished.
The door opened and Newt stuck his head in. He noticed my guilty expression and frowned.
“You okay?”
“Yep,” I left the room with him.

“Everyone remembers their part in the plan?” Gally asked.
“Yep,” I said.
I’d already lied to say the Wraith was coming to help. My part in the plan was to meet her and explain what to do. Of course, I was the Wraith. I was really going to just wait around until they needed help.
“Give me a couple of minutes,” I said, summoning the stuff I’d stolen earlier for wrapping my ‘gift.’ I summoned the bag too and sat down on the ground.
“What are you doing?” Gally asked.
I unzipped the bag and scrunched my nose up at the smell. I grabbed the head by the hair and pulled it out of the bag. Everyone grumbled and stumbled back.
“Is that—” Alex choked, looking away from it. “Why is there so much blood?”
“James’s head, otherwise known as my brother in law, the Wolf.”
I placed it in the box and wrapped it.
“Done,” I said and vanished the wrapped box.
I checked the knives I kept on me and got up. I went to hug Newt but he made a face. Fear ripped through me. Did he want to break up again?
“Wash your hands,” Newt said
I rolled my eyes and did as I was told. I came back and he let me hug him.
“Alright,” Gally broke the silence after a long moment. “Time to go.”
I took off the leather jacket, not wanting to damage it. I sent it into the void and followed everyone out to what could be the end of all our lives.
My hand found Newt’s, he squeezed it reassuringly. I offered him a small smile. His brown eyes were soft as he smiled back. Until now, I hadn’t realised how much I had missed him.

2000 words

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